
What are some germany environmental issues?

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germany environmental issues for a report




  1. Nuclear waste recycling - big protests every year.

  2. Danger of genetically modified food

    Global warming and its consequences, reduction of CO2-emissions

    Security of nuclear power stations and what to do with radioactive waste (ultimate disposal places)

    Particulate matter emission of (truck) diesel engines

    Deforestation, especially of tropical rain forests


  3. There are none.....

  4. Jezz you kids must be writting articles for class in school. Lots of environmental things here lately. Germany is way ahead of the US on the environment, but for the smoking thing....In the evening the restaurants have a cloud in them while eating...It's really thick...LOL

  5. Plastic bottles. Germans should pick them up at my apartment. Hundreds of them! And nasty cigarettes! They should be banned completely. germans are NASTY about smoking!

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