
What are some good 5 minutes games to play with a large group of 3 year olds.?

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I need some ideas for 5 minutes games or activities to do with a group of 18 three year olds on a rug.




  1. try some of these....I, duck, potatoe......bean bag toss....any movement  game from a tape, record, cd(try hap palmer, raffi, the wiggles, or any other childs music cd )

  2. I spy

  3. Games involving movement are loved by all young children. Try warm up style games like calling different words where they have to do certain actions. Here are a few examples:

    1. the beans game - shout different beans and they have to do an action corresponding to that ("runner beans!" they have to run around, "string beans!" they have to make themselves into a thin shape, "baked beans!" they pretend to be hot, "French beans!" they say "oo la la!" and so on.

    2. The traffic lights game. Green - they have to run, orange - they have to walk, red they stop.

    3. duck, duck, goose

    4. give them a number while they sit down. When you call their number, they must jump up and then sit back down again. You can call more than one number at once. This will also help them learn the numbers up to 18.

    I hope this helped!

  4. duck duck goose

  5. If they are to remain on the rug...small body movement games like "Where is Thumbkin", act out stories on the felt board, "Weather watcher" where one child goes to the window while the others sing the song, "Head, shoulders, knees and toes", etc...and the all time them a story!

    Have fun!

  6. red light green light is a really cool game for them. i play games i made up for my wild cousin to calm him down the walk freze game (red light green light slow) quiet game (no talking) you can also choose a certan shape draw it big so they can see it and the person who guesses it first wins!

  7. My class loves to sing and dance. They especially love the chicken dance and head/shoulders/knees and toes. I found some great ideas on the internet for songs and poem to act out.

    Remember to have fun and they will too!

    They tell me that I am the goofiest teacher they have ever had, when I remind them I'm probably the only teacher they have ever had they just laugh! It's a great age.

  8. When I taught preschool they always loved color tag.  They start at one end of the playground, you call a color and they race to the other end while someone tries to tag them.

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