
What are some good Cheers?

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I am going to our school football game and me and my friends hate the cheerleaders so every time we go to one of the boys games we try to cheer out the cheerleaders most of the time we do! I need some more cheer ideas and our teams name is the Sabers! thank you!




  1. Well one is HOT TO GO, which is pretty simple, you switch your feet back and forth and clap your hands with them then you say

    H-O-T-T-O-G-O The Sabers are Hot To Go


    The Sabers Are Hot To Go!

    Say Woot Woot (we did the brush of your shoulder thing and rocked our hips)

    The Sabers are Hot To Go!

    This one is easy to learn and if you add your own spice then it looks HAWT! lol and there are a couple more moves but I couldnt explain them without it lookin like realy realy complicated.


    A-T-T-A-C-K (ur doing the same basic motions of hot to go)

    The Sabers Are Back clap, clap, clap clap clap (lol the beat)


    The Leaders of The Pack clap, clap, clap clap clap


    So Go On Step back cuz the sabers are ready to



    Hope I helped!!!!

  2. If you want to change the cheer squad, then you should try out for the squad.  That is the best way to have better cheers for the school.  You should show the cheerleaders respect, they are the ones who have enough courage to get out there and cheer for the teams.  If you don't want to try out then teach them some of the cheers you and your friends do.  You can do the class cheer, what I can the down cheer, which is you yell

    "Hey freshman"

    answer back "Hey what"  

    yell "Hey freshman"

    back "Hey What"

    Yell "Let me see you get down"  

    Freshman " No way"

    yell "Let me see you get down"

    Freshman " O.k."

    then twice spell out Down and say let me see you get down and clap twice and say o.k. on each clap.  When you are spelling out the word Down you can rock your body down to the ground then come back up and do it again. Then do through all the classes and when have Homecoming game don't forget the alumni.  

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