
What are some good Christian books?

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I all ready read the Left Behind books and please don't say the Bible because I read it a lot all ready.




  1. Read "Venti Jesus Please".  I can't remember who it's by, but it's about three teens in a coffee shop and only one is a Christian, and he is sharing his faith with his friends and in the end he gets the other two to believe.  It's only like 60 pages so I read it in like half an hour.  It is really good.

  2. Dinner with a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering followed by A Day with a Perfect Stranger, both by David Gregory, are great books and quite unique. They were both made into good movies (The Perfect Stranger and Another Perfect Stranger), though certain things were changed in the movies.

    I agree that Frank Peretti's books are worth reading. There is The Oath, This Present Darkness, Piercing the Darkness, The Visitation and many others. A lot of his books are supernatural thrillers.

    C.S. Lewis also wrote other good books - both non-fiction and fiction. Fiction: You may enjoy The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters. Non-Fiction: You may enjoy Mere Christianity and Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life.

    Melody Carlson is good. You might like The Christmas Bus.

    Francine Rivers' The Last Sin Eater is very interesting.

    If you enjoy historical fiction, I'd recommend The House of Winslow series by Gilbert Morris, The Brides of Montclair series by Jane Peart, The Gresham Chronicles by Lawanna Blackwell and the Savannah series by Eugenia Price.

    If you enjoy fast paced thrillers, you may like The Last Jihad by Joel C. Rosenberg (and his other books).

    George MacDonald, the man who originally influenced C.S. Lewis, wrote quite a number of Christian novels like The Vicar's Daughter, The Baronet's Song, The Fisherman's Lady, The Marquis' Secret and also fantasy novels like Phantastes, Lilith, At the Back of the North Wind.

    Grace Livingston Hill was considered the classic Christian romance writer. Some of her books are According to Pattern, The Girl from Montana, Job's Niece, The Girl of the Woods and many, many others. They are rather gentle reads, written in an obviously more innocent time with heroines who are far more innocent than we'd see today. However, they are surprisingly good stories and quick reads. If you want to check her work out before buying anything, you can read some of the books on Gutenberg.

    This site has a very large list of Christian fiction with reviews, summaries and reader's ratings (like Amazon has). You may want to check it out. This site http://books4teensandadults.googlepages.... - made by one of the top contributors on Books & Authors (not I) - is also good & has a list of Christian fiction (as well as other books).

    I hope this helps. Happy reading!

  3. try ` An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages ` written by william marrion branham its one of the best christian books ever and tells u alot about the bible and much more trust me its a great book if u get ur hand on a copy.

  4. Hi!

    Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller .


  5. You might want to ceck out Frank peretti's novels.

  6. Ellen Gunderson Traylor has written a bunch of pretty good "historical fiction" books about various people from the Bible such as Abraham, Noah, Joseph, John, Ruth, Esther, Moses, Joshua, Jonah, Mary Magdalene, John Mark, etc., etc.

    John is my favorite.  The books don't need to be read in any particular order (except for Moses and then Joshua), so you can start with any book you like.

  7. The Chronicles of Narnia are always fantastic.  I would also recommend anything and everything by Frank Peretti.  GREAT stuff.

  8. Chicken soup books.

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