
What are some good Middle School Tips???

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I'm Going into middle school and i'm very nervous and i was just wondering what are some good tips and stuff that u think can help me....i start in 12 days and it's a new school and i dont know anything about the ppl there...i don't want anything mean or anything..i want positive answers that can actually help me!




  1. Be yourself and dress your age not older or younger.

    Act like yourself when your around your best friends and dont seem nervous.

    Good Luck

  2. Well I just got out of middle school. I know how you feel. I felt the same way on my first day of school in 6th grade. Don't worry, be yourself. Make some friends, ask ppls if they wanna sit with you during lunch. Believe me, they'll be happy when you ask them. Dont be shy at all. and remember, stay in school

  3. be sure to remember your locker combo. if you can't, ask a teacher, they are always nicer than they look. (lol)  

  4. Dont join crowds of ppl that make you feel uncomfortable. Dont do anything you dont wanna do. dont worry about the homework. after awhile there doesnt seem to be a lot. If you dont understand something ask someone. ull be more of a loser if you fall behind. I can give you a lot more tips. just email me and i can give you more AND help you through the tough parts of the year!

  5. Just be yourself and if you heard any bad negative rumors about Middle school.....dont believe them they are all myths and fake they are trying to scare you.....Ive been there.....Im about to be a 10th grader.......

  6. First of all, don't sweat it!Everyone gets nervous on their first day of school. Middle school is a bit different than Elementary, more classes, more people, etc. It can be a bit scary, especially with all the older kids around. But be yourself, and if your worried about people not liking you, well, as long as you stay true to yourself, if they don't like you, then they are not worth it.Also, try not to fall into "cliques", be an individual. Oh, and about meeting new friends, try to talk and just have a casual conversation.(It can be about ANYTHING, even about the teacher's lame outfit!) You will find people with simlar interests as you in your electives, which can later become some of your best friends.

    Good luck, and I hope that this helped.

  7. BE YOURSELF its very important!!!!!! Keep your friends from elementary and hold on to them otherwise you will lose them because sometimes people change. Middle school can sometimes be fun and hard. But having lockers is kinda cool. Its also good because you can make tonsss of new friends! Im in my second year of middle school so i remember from 6th grade. Good luck i hope i helped! Have fun!

  8. loll ; okay heres some tips ;

    1. if someones "popular" dont suck up to them to try to be their friend its stupid and youll hurt people doinq it .

    2. be your own person . dont ever follow someone else ;

    3. keep upp with schoool ; dont dumb yourself down for people either.

    4. hoes before bros ; never put a little boyfriend in front of your bestfriend ;youll end up hurtinq your friend then you & your bf willl break up and youll have no one . not good ;

    5.try not to icolate yourself from the class ; be involved .

    & have fun :]

    hope this helped =D

    xoxo lweckyyy

  9. never leave poetry that you wrote on your desk, don't trust any one but your true friends, don't date every one that comes around.

  10. You are entering the bitter end of childhood. I never saw more pointless acts of cruelty in my life then I did in Junior High. (and I am 40.)

    As the new kid, don't trust the first people who approach you. They will be losers looking to make friends. (I know, I was the loser)  People who have a group of friends are going to hang back and judge you.

    Stay Quiet and watch people closely. You are entering a savage world of cliques. Sitting at the wrong lunch table with the wrong people can make you a target.  Try to spot the people everyone likes, and stand around them. (There will be a lot of other people doing this.)

    Conform, Conform, Conform.  Try to dress like everyone else. Never voice an opinion unless you're sure everyone agrees with it. Don't say you like anything unless you know it is cool to like it. If you are different in a any visable way you are a target.

    I'm going to assume you're a girl because of your screen name. The good news is you won't ever have to fight anyone.

    Here's a secret about the boys,, they will find the meakest or weakest guy,, the one who cannot or will not fight and then make his life h**l. This is how they prove how tough they are: by pushing around the least threatening  person they can find. Watch for it. Once the boys have established who their lowest peg is,, stay away from him.

    Now the bad news. You're going into an arena of back-biting and gossip.  When a boy hates another boy he'll just walk up to him and punch him in the face. When a girl hates another girl, she slides up to her, gains her trust, then spills all her secrets to whoever will listen.  So if you have any secrets,, don't tell anyone. This is the way secrets are kept. If there's something you're embarassed about don't tell anyone.

    Don't say anything bad about anyone Don't stand up for anyone either. Try to stay neutral in all the drama going on around you.  Don't say anything about anyone you wouldn't want them to hear. Because if you say it, it will get repeated until they hear it.

    If you manage to stay neutral you'll get a reputation for being nice and trustworthy.

    Oh yeah,, somewhere in the middle of all pathological behavior going on around you,,,, try to get an education.  

  11. So what do you want to know?  How not to be the loser you are being?  Just don't talk to anyone.

  12. do your homework and turn it in so you can get good grades.Find friends who will accept you for who you are.Don't start unnecessaryyrum ourss or drama causethey'lll bring you problems.Be nice and be yourself.

  13. i went to a private elementary school and a public middle school...i didn't know anyone when i went into middle school. what i did was make friends with people in my classes and become friends with their friends.

    o and on the first day wear a simple outfit and check out what everyone is else is wearing so you blend in a little better...unless of course you want to stand out.

  14. Get on your teacher's good side, and open yourself up to everybody you don't know.

  15. well i just finished middle school and things deffinatley start to change. Friends are gonna turn to drugs, classmates will hook up, people will be arrested, and overall life around you will start to mature. The only thing i can say is that friends make all the difference from now on so choose wisley.

  16. i am goin to middle school too and i am also worried.but here r some tips. a good breakfast so it make ur day better

    2.make all ur teachers like u so u wont have a hard school year with teachers.

    3.try to make the most friend u can and dont listen to anything bad ppl say about u

    i hope this will work bye!!!!

  17. just do as your told and don't talk about people and do care what they say about you!!! you will be fine and ask the 8th graders for help the 7th garders will just mess with you!

  18. my lil sis is haveing the same problem and i am telling her to like where she is going to alot of ppl got pregnet about 8 ppl so if i was you dont go out with any one you dont realy know like get to know them a little and dotn do what i do i doze off in class cut class burp in class trust me i tryed that and thing do not go so well oh well i get that from this boi dated lol and my mom so yeah

  19. wow!!!

    i went Throughugh the same problem!!

    well here is one thing!!

    just be yourself!

    cause if you try to be like other ppl soa lotlot of ppl just get tired of you

    adidntont want to hang out with you!!

    you see when yodiffrentent ppl think that you are unique and thats was attract ppls attention!!

    alsoo try not to get caught up with drama!!

    it just ruins you whole year!!

    soo just try and follow that and im pretty sure you be fine!!!

    ohhhh one more thing try and and find your true friends and dont hang around the wrong ppl!

  20. Make your teachers like you, but do so in secret so that others like you too.

  21. well i think that EVERYONE is nervous on their first day of middle school. and even high school. or any new school for that matter. i know i was for all of those. but other kids are feeling the same way you are. so try not to be nervous. once you get started and in the routine of things, you will be fine. i was and now i wish i could go back and do it again sometimes. but you will be ok. just be confident in yourself. you'll get through it. everyone does. and most importantly, don't care what other people think and just have FUN!

  22. Dress like a w***e and be a tease.  

  23. i started out in a new middle school myself, so i know where you are coming from.i thought it was going to be the scariest thing in the world, but it's really not. you have a few different classes and you meet a lot of new people. but don't be shy, just be nice to the people that sit around you, and there you go you got a new friend. you will make many new friends and there is nothing to worry about, you will get use to the school and the school year will fly by,and then you will ask yourself why you were even worried about it in the first place.


    oh, and highschool isn't scary at all either.


  24. 1. Be open to different kinds of people. You're going to meet a lot of them, and it's always fun to meet them and get to know them.

    2. Avoid cliques.

    3. Don't be reserved. Have fun and be crazy or whatever you want to be.

    4. Remember you can be whoever you want to be in middle school, but it's always the easiest to be yourself.

    5. Wear cute but not S****y clothes.

    I get made fun of for wearing expensive clothes, so that's not fun.

    6. Date, but not too many people. I've made that mistake.

    7. STUDY!

  25. i would say don't spread rumors and don't call anyone names

  26. you'll be fine when i went into middle school i made friend like that u just gotta be ur self

  27. okay first things first DO NOT talk about people behind there backs because it will cost you dearly be nice to everyone dont talk **** and dont get into fights my 8th grade year was ruined by that...always have a friend you can trust and you will definitely be alright.

    oh and try not to do anything or say anything embarrasing that will make you seem arrogant.

    and compliment people on the first day. thats how i made friends falttery always works.

  28. Dont worry about it! You get much more freedom and you can meet more friends. Just be outgoing and meet new people! In Middle school there is much more opportunity to make new friends.  

  29. One thing I know is be yourself! It's so annoying seeing middle scoolers/freshman try to act like something different just to fit in or go with whatever people say even if they oppose it! It's so annoying.  

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