
What are some good academic sources on Asian marriage (for anthropology)?

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What are some good academic sources on Asian marriage (for anthropology)?




  1. This would really depend on the sort of information that you would like to know, so I will try to cover a few possible areas.  You can redirect me, if necessary.

    For marriage in Asia in general, I would suggest:

    Marriage:  East and West by David and Vera Mace

    (Un)tying the knot:  ideal and reality in Asian marriage by Gavin Jones and Kamalini Ramdas

    For the effects of economic development:

    C. Hirschman and B. Teerawichitchainan (2003).  Cultural and Socioeconomic Influences on Divorce during Modernization: Southeast Asia, 1940s to 1960s.  Population and Development Review, 29(2):215-253

    S. Edwards (1996).  Economic Development Has Improved Lives of Asian Women, but Cultural Traditions Can Limit Its Effects.   International Family Planning Perspectives, 22(2):81-82

    There is also a pdf file available through the Vancouver Public Libraries (available here: ) with more books that deal with this topic.

    For specifically anthropological sources, I would turn to the journals Cultural Anthropology or Asian Anthropology.  They are probably available through your local university library.

    Good luck on your search!

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