
What are some good additional skills do i put on a job application?

by  |  earlier

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i am applying at a blockbuster video, what "additional skills" do you think they would like to hear?




  1. they love these terms like.


    team player



    great customer service

  2. Skills are things you learn at school or while you are working at a job. Talents are your natural inclinations. So people competing for the post would have similar skills as you do. But you are unique because of your talents. So ask yourself what your talents are and then be yourself. Oh, and by the way some of the answers listed by people above, like being a team player, are more of talents than skills.

  3. Anything that says 'strong persuasion skills', 'keen sense of humor' and 'friendly personality' are gems in the media business.

  4. You are a people person...

    You work very will with others and can follow instructions...

  5. reliable worker, honest, friendly and seem to do my best at everything i do in life - but you've got to ask yourself, can i do tht?

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