
What are some good apartments in California for cheap?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and plan on moving to the big CA once i graduate. I live in Las Vegas, right now, and love everything about California. I've got a few years to go, and I know it's a bit early to look; but i'm just trying to get a jumpstart. This way i know what i'm getting myself in to. I plan on moving out there somewhere in South California, near Huntington or Newport, but i'm pretty open to ANYWHERE. I'd like to be a model/actor so those are the jobs i plan on looking for. However, I do know how hard it's gonna end up being to find an audition, so I want to just start out doing some type of bus-boy job or waiter.

I plan on moving with a roomate, or 2 in order to help out with the rent.

So to get to the point,

does anybody know where any good apartments or areas are to start out?

and what's a good paying job to start out with?




  1. newport and huntington are EXPENSIVE. even with roommates. look on yahoo real estate to get a good price view. and it shows the apts. and ammenities. my brother once lived in Santa Barbera in a hotel type place for I think $100 a week but he already had money and a job when he moved there. it was a little studio like place and he had to go down the hall to the bathroom/shower.

  2. Didn't you already ask this?

    2 years is too far out to say at this point.

    I advise you to get a job before moving, no landlord will rent to you without that and a good size deposit.

    "actors" are a dime a dozen, come with some other marketable skill.   Speaking fleunt spanish helps in So Cal.

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