
What are some good arguments about the "do I exist" question?

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My friend wants me to prove to him that he actually exists, but I don't know how to make the words, he is Jewish, and believes in evolution - I know it doesn't make any sense.. Anyhow, what are some things I can tell him as proof to make him ponder that he actually exists?




  1. A simple answer: If he does not exist, how does he know or think that he does not exist? Doesn't his "mind" or some form of his consciousness have to exist in order for him to form those thoughts and those questions?

    How does he form them if his consciousness does not exist?

    But if for some reason he thinks he exists as the entity in someone else's consciousness, such as within the Godhead, or as the illusion of another person, then why is it not just as possible to believe instead that his consciousness is HIS ?

  2. tell him i said questions like that are a waste of time.

  3. he eats, poops and breathes - these are pretty much the signs of existence for a creature.

    Why thumb down? Name at least one creature that exists without eating/pooping?

  4. punch him in the face and ask if he felt it and tell him that's as real as it gets.  

  5. its a difficult question. because our brains are very powerful.. but the simple fact is.. if we are imagining that we exist.. how do we imagine? how can you imagine without a brain? and if there is nothing real about us where is the thought coming from? are we from the imagination of something else? and that "other thing" is just imagining that we have brains so we too can imagine? no matter how you look at it.. it all comes down to the simple fact that there must be something real creating us. if we didn't exist how do we think? there must be a mind at the end and beginning of the story. the fact that we are considering this question proves it. "nothing" can not think. "nothing" can not feel. "nothing" can not breathe. nothing is nothing. we think. we feel. we breath. we are something.

  6. the fundamental basis for philosopsophy is that you exist. that is the only thing that can ever be known or proved.

    the quote is "i think, therefore i am".

    it means that you can doubt that everything exists, but you cannot doubt that fact that you are thinking and experiencing cpnsciousness. that is the only thing that can be proved.

  7. u only exist if u think u do-you are ur own reality

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