
What are some good at home remedies for a nasty cold?

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Chicken soup--check

Tea (green and regular) with honey--check

Ibuprofen to keep down the fever and relieve headache, sore throat and other miscellanious pains--check

What else? I don't really have any money to purchase OTC meds. I don't have the cash to visit the doc--wouldn't be worth it any way; I've got a bad cold; I know that already. I've been awake since 2:30 am (eastern standard time) and I am MISERABLE. Please help me. I must go to work today...I'm a teacher and this time of year, there are no substitute teachers even available.




  1. Lemons - to boost your immunity

    Garlick - for same reason

    Honney, cammomile tea, gargling with baking soda - for the troath.

    Losts of rest, sleep, warm tea, warm milk with honey.

  2. Try echinacae - if you can get it in liquid, it's better.  Also, zinc is good for colds, and high doses of vitamin C.

  3. The doc won't be able to help you.  The best thing for you to do is get quality sleep, a nice bubble bath, and keep eating comfort food like chicken soup, etc.  

    If you are having trouble sleeping NyQuil (or the generic equivalents of it) help a lot.  

    Don't just lie in bed all day.  If you can and if the weather is nice, sit outside and read a book, or go to the park if you can handle it.  The mental part of it is big - get up and around and you'll fight it off quicker.

  4. Put one tablespoon of turmeric in a litre of water. Boil the water.Sit near the stove and cover yourself and the vessel (with proper distance) with a blanket.In hale the vapours for 10 mts.Do this twice a day especially at 6 p.m.I'm also a teacher and this worked miraculously for me.Also before going to bed add apinch of turmeric tohot milkand drink it.

  5. Keeping your condition in my mind what you really need is 'instant workable solution.'

    Take about 1.5 glass  of water.  Take ginger (no need to peel it's skin) - about the size of a tablespoon - 'hammer' it lightly into small pieces without releasing its juices, add it to the water.  Leave for about 10 minutes stirring it lightly every now and then.  You should find the colour of the water becoming 'gingerish'!  Now, slowly bring the mixture to a boil.  Use a strainer / filter to keep back the ginger.  Drink the liquid as you were drinking hot tea without too many breaks in between!  Make sure the fan is switched off!  You should find yourself breaking into profuse sweat!!  Don't wipe it. Also, keep yourself wrapped up well, and avoid the urge to remove clothes while sweating.  Your throat and chest region will experience immediate benefits.  It will address your fever also.   Do this 2-5 times a day or as many times you feel the need.  You will bid bye-bye to heavy cold, cough, respiratory problems, etc.

    Fever along with body-ache and weakness is a classic sign of weak immunity.  Do you have sweet lime with you right now?  If not, then get them later, juice 3-4 of them 2-3 times a day for as long as you are sick. Later, eat 1 every morning in breakfast.  Your health will improve.

    For your long-run well-being I do have a valuable suggestion.

    First thing in the morning take 2 cloves of garlic, peel them, cut them into small, manageable pieces, and leave them for about 10-15 minutes for certain reactions to occur in them.  With about half a glass of water take them on an empty stomach.

    I do not suffer from any colds - heavy or light - because I have been regularly taking garlic every morning for years now.  Garlic strengthens immunity.  It's benefits are almost limitless.

    Ibuprofen will damage your liver beyond repair.  Almost all allopathic medicines have serious side effects.  Something as simple as 'digen' causes cancer of the oesophagus!

    Chicken soup!  Well, do you really think 'eating' another animal is going to cure your problem?


    After, you recover 'teacher dear' you owe this new student of yours some lessons in whatever subject you teach!  Ha. Ha.

    Do not share your recovery secrets with anyone.  Let them keep guessing!

  6. This works every time.

    2 tablespoons of honey in 240 Mil's of boiling hot water stir until the honey has melted add the juice of 1 lemon  and adjust to taste not too sour and not too sweet take 2 panadol and sleep for at least 2 hours.

    Next there are 2 acupressure points half way along the large muscle on the shoulders running from just behind the ear down the neck to the edge of the arm.

    Where the neck joins the shoulder,the spots will be very tender.

    massage these spots in a circular rotation on both shoulders until the tenderness goes you will find this will dry up the mucus in the nose.

    if it's not working it's because you have not massaged the correct spots keep trying.GOOD LUCK.

  7. Drink plenty of fluids, and try to get plenty of rest. Warm fluids especially. If you have a fever, keep warm. One good thing to do is try to break the fever by wrapping yourself in a ton of blankets and wearing plenty of clothing. You know the fever has broken by when you start sweating and start feeling temperature normally.

    If you can't call in sick, see if you can leave early and have another teacher cover your class so you can go home and sleep. The best thing to do is sleep, drink plenty of warm fluids (drown it). Gatorade (funny, right?) and drinks like it will help retain electrolyte balances. Also, call up some friends and ask if they have some OTC cold medicine like DayQuil. Non-drowsy formulas ONLY if you're going to have to work and drive. Also, while working remember to wash your hands constantly and always use tissues when you cough/sneeze.

    If you start having muscle aches, extreme fatigue, a worsening sore throat, and a fever over 101 DO NOT go into school. I'm sure parents and other teachers would appreciate you not getting everyone else sick. If his lasts for more than a few days, you don't have much of a choice than to see a doctor.

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