
What are some good attributes about Global Warming?

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I've been wondering what some good attributes about global warming are. Excuse my grammar. I am doing a project for The Oliphant Science Awards and I thought a good idea woul be to focus on some of the positive things instead of all the negative things. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





    i think you need some perspective.

    maybe you should spend a few months in Darfur, where several years of drought has forced people to migrate, and caused more than 200,000 deaths.

    when you come back, we'll revisit the question again.

    you might also keep in mind that the US southwest has experienced several years of drought now, and if the trend continues, the dust bowl days of the 30s could come back, and be a permanent part of our climate.

    so, after you've had a bit more experience, and maybe done a bit of reading, maybe we can have a more intelligent conversation on the topic.

  2. There is actually more positive than negative.

    1. Warmer weather means less cold related deaths. Cold related deaths far outweigh warm related deaths.

    2. Plant growth - Plants thrive in a warmer high CO2 environment. Think about the most is not near the arctic circle.

    3. Less storms - Scientist believe that higher temps would cause increased wind sheer which would reduce hurricanes, etc.

    4. More tillable land - Places like Greenland, which was once farmed by the Norse during the Medieval Warm period, would again be able to support farming.

    5. More days at the beach. Let's face it, most people like the warmer weather. In the USA, we sure do not see a mass rush of people moving to the colder Northern climate.

    6. Increased biodiversity - More vegetation means more animal life, etc.

  3. Higher global average temperatures could increase the amount of arable land in the northern hemisphere, at least in the short run. Land currently unused because of a climate that's too harsh (say, boreal forest) could soon become hospitable to grains like wheat and rye. If that's the case, then global food output could increase and alleviate some of the hunger problems plaguing poorer societies.

    Of course, you'd be disingenuous if you were to cut it at that. Global warming also standing to take a lot of farmland out of commission as deserts expand. In the long run, total food output might actually decrease. Add that to the increase in disease vectors and the possibility of enormous population displacements, and I think you'll find yourself fighting an uphill battle to shed a positive light on global climate change.

    Perhaps a better approach might be to look at other causes equally deserving of taxpayer money. Providing clean drinking water could arguably save more people each year.

    And, as a response to previous poster:

    There is actually more positive than negative.

    Point 1: Cold may directly kill more people, but warmer weather fosters the spread of hundreds of deadly diseases. Milder climates will only spread these diseases, malaria in particular.

    Point 2: Not all plants perform as well in warmer climates. Winter wheat, a consumer staple, requires cooler temperatures produce the highest yields.

    Point 3: I don't know the science either way on this

    Point 4: See my original post.

    Point 5: Right, and that also means fewer days on the slopes. People like both. I'd be curious to see the economics on where they spend more money.

    Point 6: Sure, but certainly some species won't be able to cope and will die off.

  4. The positive side to global warming: warm weather! Geologically, we are just pulling out of an Ice Age. Global Warming is part of a natural cycle. Global warming is good because it is natural.

  5. In everything there is good and bad. Anyone who tells you that global warming is only bad and nothing else is either ignorant or stupid, or so politically motivated that they are blind to anything that contradicts their opinion.  I'm a democrat that voted for Gore in 2000 but my opinions are my own and I get them by reading all sides of an issue and choosing what I believe even if contrary to the political bandwagon.

    Since you asked for the only the "good attributes":

    From what I have read, global warming is already having some good effects.  Check out this study from the Boston University:

    Satellite images over the past 18 years clearly show that with increased CO2 in the air that the planet is getting greener and greener with more plant life.  Plant life is migrating northward as well as into desserts.  

    A warmer planet will evaporate more water, which will make more humidity and rainfall throughout the planet.  Animal life will thrive in the new planet wide rain forests and humans will benefit by having more lands capable of growing more crops for food and energy.

    With the planet at 300-400 parts per million of CO2 and climbing it could someday be a it was in the prehistoric times such as the Jurassic(1800 parts per million of CO2) or the Cambrian (7000 parts per million of CO2).  Plant and animal life were very abundant during those times.  I suspect it will be the same again if we come close to those levels.

  6. i appreciate your positivity. (sorry but i am naming some negative ones too) my bad

    i guess if you like warm weather.

    my science teacher talked about the reversed effect it would have. like it would make a harsher ice age. bringing back the extinct polar bears! yeah! i really don't know if that is scientifically possible but hey...its positive! lol

    but global warming also increases the need of  awareness for the environment so people are like GO GREEN GO GREEN !!!

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