
What are some good back-to-school tips?

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Any advice? Anything to make the morning rush faster and help me get ready in time. And motivations for me to wake up in the morning.




  1. Take a shower and lay out your clothes the NIGHT BEFORE.

  2. heres wat i did last yr, but i now i live closer to the school, so i dont have to get up as early...lets see, so  my school started at 8:35, so i:

    -lay out clothes, make lunch, shower, and get school work ready the night before

    -wake up at 6:50

    -make me bed and get dressed

    -eat breakfast (thats wat took me the longest)

    -brush teeth

    -usually done at about 7:730

    -watch tv for 20 mins (im gonna stop doin that cuz id rather sleep =])

    -leave for school at 7:50 and get to school at like 8:10

    this yr, im probably gonna get up at about 7:15, leave at 8:00, and get to school at like 8:05.

    have fun in school and good luck with ur mornings!!

    o, and motivations- set ur alarm clock really loud and when it goes off, itll make u jump outta bed, =]

  3. Go To bed earlier. When you have a healthy meal people seem to be happy. Try taking Vitamin D. (The sunshine vitamin) it'll keep you otimistic. Lay ut your clothes the day before and eat breakfast. Also Iron your clothes the night before. Some people do this but I don't. Take a shower the night before and when morning comes just wash up with a wet cloth. Hope this helped ;-)

  4. well it depends how old you are.

    this year my school is starting a few minutes earlier...again...[ugh retards]

    but last year i was in 7th grade and school started @ 8:05, i woke up at 7, brushed my teeth, put eyeshadow on, etc. and got dressed in about 10 minutes. then my mom drove me to school at about 7:40, they let us go to our lockers at 7:50.

    and i dont have a problem with waking up in the morning. once someone screams or turns on my light, im pretty much up without any trouble.

    if you wanna be on time to school, sit down with your mom & dad and ask them what time you should get up, get to school, leave for school. and if the first one dosent work so well, build another one, until you find one that works for your schedule. its not that hard.

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