
What are some good believable excuses to skip a lunch date?

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What are some good believable excuses to skip a lunch date?




  1. Who is the date with?

    A boyfriend?  An old school friend?  A relative you don't like?

    Car trouble is always good, or if you have kids, being called into school is also a good one

  2. I have dentist appt,

    I have a lunch date,

    my cars is in the garage and i must go get it.

    The boss is sending me on a errand.

    And the one that shuts them up,

    I need to run home for some tampons an Kotex!

  3. OMG i opened up the question and the first answer popped up at me and i literally fell off my computer chair laughing! LOL

    Uhhhhmmmmmm... tell him/her that you have to do some urgent work at home and you can't come.

  4. You ate something that you were allergic to and got hives and now you itch all over.  

  5. Family emergency came up

    You're sick

    You have an important meeting to attend and didn't know about it before

  6. None are needed.  Simply say this... "I'm so sorry, but I'm unable to attend the luncheon.  I have other plans."

    There is never any need to explain WHAT those plans are.... even if they happen to be shopping, working, getting a manicure, whatever!

    Have a polite day.

  7. It is rude to accept an invitation and then decide not to go without a valid reason.  

    Regardless, you don't actually have to give a reason.  A simple "I'm sorry but I'm not able to make it" is all that is needed.  It's rude for the other person to press you for a reason.  And - you're not telling a lie then either!

  8. What Deulan said is correct.Just tell them they'll need to take a raincheck and reschedule.

  9. "something suddenly came up"


    seriously... say that you didn't realize you already had something previously scheduled for that time

    if you are trying to get out of this date altogether, then i would just tell the person so.

    good luck

  10. What's wrong with saying you just don't want to go to lunch?

  11. LIAR!

  12. Explosive diarrhea always works  

  13. Well it really does depend who it is with.Though i would say to say you had to go the hospital with someone close to you.I realize that this answer is a bit drastic but it wouldn't be important if you're asking online.

  14. You need to take a raincheck on the lunch date and will have to reschedule.  Apologize for the change of plans.

  15. Not feeling well is a good one.  Too much work to do.  Just getting over a stomach me NO ONE will want to go to lunch with you.

  16. "I don't want to go to lunch with you, okay? Now leave me the fu*k alone!"

    Nah, just say that today's just not the best day, you've got a lot of things on. If you say specifically what you have on (eg, oh i've got to go to doctor, etc) then the less believable it becomes. Dunno why, but don't make excuses just say you have a lot of things on that you have to do.

  17. I'd say sumthn like...

    "can we reschedule? i forgot i promised my mom i'd go with her to the doctor."

    haha iv used tht one before.  

  18. I hate you!

  19. I just got my tooth pulled. Good luck

  20. A really bad case of botulism came over me.

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