
What are some good birthday present for a thirteen year old girl?

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  1. Most girls love clothes from Abercrombie and Hollister.  But that of course depends on the type of girl you're buying the gift for.  When I was thirteen my relatives asked me what my favorite store was and bought me clothes from there.  

    (Clothes are really all a thirteen year old girl wants).

  2. a diary

  3. cute jewlry, nail polish, a cute purse/bag, cd's, itunes gift card, clothing store gift card...ect. (im 14 and i would love all those things)

  4. Hey,

    Im 13 and im a girl too

    Well, i think that we dont need stuff such as dolls ..or puzzles..but here are some good stuff  us 13 year olds would love to have:

    Makeup box

    Abercrombie/Hollister clothes


    A cute diary with a feather-ish pen

    a cd (of her fave band)





    Tickets to a concert/game

    It actually depends, if she's sporty might want to get her new sneakers and a cd. or a hat.

    If she's girly..then some cute diary.

    If she's into music..or being a singer..a guitar..a microphone..

    I dont know..use your creativity!! ;)

    and good luck

  5. Something Electronical - ipod, cd, plasma....

  6. Most likely cash if your unsure what to get her or

  7. Find out her favorite color(s), and make a coordinated gift package that are those colors.


    If her favorite color was pink, get her shampoo and conditioner and other hair products in pink bottles, candy in pink packaging, perfume in a pink bottle, a pink stuffed animal, and a few pink shirts! Then, put it all in a pink bag with a pink bow!

    Got it? It's personal, cute, and inexpensive if you get creative!

  8. im turning 13 i would want...



    -lip gloss

    -if i had a ds then ds games


    -gift cards

  9. get her something she can use forever like an electronic photo frame those are fun and awesome they are not that expensive and you can put movies and music as well as pictures on them. since she is 13 im guessing that she is computer saavy

  10. -Clothes

    -Cell Phone

    -Video games(if she likes them)





    It all depends on what she likes

  11. a camera, clothes like lululemon, tna, or other stores that she likes! Purses are great and if she  is in to makeup then thats also another great gift! If you/ she likes game systems then you could probley get her one like ds,wii,xbox 360 etc.  An ipod might be wat she would like!You could also get something more simple like her favourite book! Or you could ask for your favourite purfume. Also something that i really like is body lotions! There is so many different smells! I hope this helps!!!!

  12. Cash.

    Gift certificate to her favourite clothing shop.

    Passes to the movies

    Gift certificate for Music store

  13. im about to turn 13 and i want a beanbag chair. not a cheap one, but an expensive one that i will like for a long time. try that website and look for her fave colors. cash is awesome. gift cards to girly stores rock. posters of her fave bands or singers are sweet. just ask her to write down a few things she wants and u can get some stuff off the list. that way u kno for sure shell like it.

  14. cloths, skate board, video games, money

    Thats what i asked for.

  15. shoes, money, clothes, ipod, psp, anything

  16. clothes, jewelry, makeup, nail polish, swimsuit.

  17. Clothing, Gift Cards, Money, make-up, Jewerally, shoes. It depends on her style. You could buy her a cute bag, and fill it with goodies, or buy her a gift card to her favorite store. A t-shirt or poster of her favorite band or even some jewerally. Clothing is great, if you get her size just right. Also just money is great because she can invest it to something big. Make sure its all her style. Good luck and happy birthday to her.

  18. a doll

  19. money, clothes, shoes, make up, ipod, tv, laptop, cell phone, room-makeover, spa day, etc. idk.


    I would have loved to have had this book when I was 13!

  21. money.

    gift card to a clothing store that she likes.

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