
What are some good books about acting??

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  1. Well there are a ton of books on acting now if they are good or not is another question. While i was in college for theater my teacher had us reading a book called Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part by Michael Shurtleff. It was incredibly helpful while doing theater it really teaches you a lot. But just go to and check out their book selections on acting they have tons of amazing books on acting. If you need anymore help you can email me.

  2. Darned few really exist. 1. Acting for the Camera by Tony Barr-- also good for stage actors.  2.Acting without Agony by Don Richardson. 3. The Tao of Acting by Kenneth Plonkey  4. Acting as a Business by Brian O'Neil; and on an advanced level 5. How to Stop Acting by Harold Guskin. That's almost all of them, Oh  yes, True and False by David Mamet is pretty good.  Avoid the old classic ones by Stanislavski, Strasberg, Hagen, Adler, Chubbick, et al. They are all old fashioned and not worth the effort. Meisner is OK, but not the very best.

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