
What are some good books on darwins orgin of the species?

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What are some good books on darwins orgin of the species?




  1. Go to and enter the name Charles Darwin. You could also try If there is a subject or keyword entry possible, enter evolution or natural selection. These steps will give you the names of every book imaginable on the subject.

  2. Just read The Origin of Species. It is self-explanantory.

  3. Harun Yahya ? Evolution Deceit.

  4. Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea, by Carl Zimmer

    by the way, Nirvana rocks!

  5. Well, the best one is Darwin's Origin of Species, why don't you start there?

    Stephen Jay Gould wrote a lot of very good books -- the Reflections on Natural History are collections of essays.

    Ever Since Darwin is the first

    Hen's Teeth and Horses Toes

    The Flamingo's Smile

    The Panda's Thumb

    Bully for Brontosaurus

    those are a few in the series that spring to mind.

    You could go to and search on Darwin.

    You could go to university and science web sites and look for recommended readings lists.

  6. Don't ask for a list of good books on the subject. Go out and read them all. Make up Your own mind about which best conveys the message to You. Establish the parameters of Your agreement with the sentiments of others. Compare styles and points of view. Expand the horizons of Your comprehension and the realms of Your acquaintanceship with original thought.

    Go the the bibliography at the back of the first book You read, and start from there. It will not take You long to develop a preference for certain authors and augments.

    Happy reading. Cheers!

  7. Read the book itself. "Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin.

    If you don't understand it, buy the Cliff's notes.

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