
What are some good books to read for a beginner in studying philosophy?

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What are some good books to read for a beginner in studying philosophy?




  1. I liked "Wisdom of the West" by Bertrand Russell.  It's a large book that gives you a complete history of Western philosophy, from the ancient Greeks to the twentieth century, with pictures to give visual examples.

    Currently, I'm reading "Philosophy for Dummies" by Tom Morris.  To be honest, I think it's a bit biased and I was disappointed.  It uses anecdotes and examples of philosophical proofs to get its points across, so it's not as objective and educational as I would have liked.  It doesn't explain a lot about the history of philosophy, but if you're an absolute beginner with no clue as to what philosophy is, it may be what you need.

  2. Bertrand Russell's 'History of Western Philosophy' is a delight. Take it with a pinch of salt, as he is really quite rude about people he disagrees with, but you do get a feel for the philosophers as real people rather than just shadowy authors.

    For something more modern that will give you a flavour of philosophical debate 'The Mind's I' by Douglas Hofstadter and Daniel Dennett is an excellent if slightly off-the-wall read. Or anything by Jonathan Glover (one of my old tutors).

    Plato is quite surprisingly accessible and fun, but for starters just read Plato and steer clear  of commentaries on him as they get confusing.

    If you want a real challenge, try 'A Treatise on Time and Space' by J R Lucas (another of my old tutors). It is completely barmy, maniacaly unaccessible, quotes things untranslated in Latin, relies for his argument on text in Greek and Russian and mathematics and on printing in three different colours (and there is an errata slip that explains some of the colours were printed wrong!). It will twist your brain out of shape, but other things you read later will seem easy by comparison!

    When reading any philosopher, do try to get a feel for why they thought the question they are tackling was important - sometimes it is hard to tell what all the fuss is about, and if you don't understand that then the rest of the reading is boring and fruitless.  

  3. Philosophy for Dumbies

    it is serious helpful

  4. i just ordered "republic" by plato. they say all of modern philosophy is just a footnote to plato. they also say that platos greatest work was republic. so i would say republic is probably a good start. its cheap at barnes and noble.

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