
What are some good breakfast ideas to jump-start my day?

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What are some good breakfast ideas to jump-start my day?





  2. well it doesnt matter if its big because you work it off.

  3. 1) Waffles

    2) Cereal

    3) Pancakes

    4) Toast & Juice

    5) Eggs

  4. An egg white omelette (whatever toppings you like) a fruit bowl, with whatever's in season, coffee or tea, your preference.  

  5. Banana and a bowl of cereal containing at least 4 grams of fiber (not whole grains.. they try to trick you with the number of grams of whole grains on the front of the box). I like Basic 4  

  6. -Whole weat bagels.



    -toast with jam or cinnamon


    anything thats good for you, thats nutritional. bagels and cereal are my main breakfast item. They really help me..

  7. Good morning donald_jones62994,

    This would depend on how hungry you are:

    1. easy over  2 eggs(Denver omelette;s stuffed with onions, ham, cheese w/ hot sauce or salsa), bacon or sausage, toast, some oj, coffee,

    2.oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins  & cream, og & coffee-(a bowl of Wheaties-as breakfast is for Champions),

    3.waffles with strawberries & whipped cream or syrup, oj, coffee,

    4. short stack (3) of pancakes, fried ham, oj, coffee.

    5. fruit & a cresent, oj, coffee,

    6..bagel, cream cheese, lox, coffee & oj,

    7. soup & salad. bread sticks & water,

    8.  my favorite breakfast is cold pizza, a Mountain Dew( caffeine thing). whatever else suits your fancy as breakfast can be almost anything theses day as long as you enjoy! Bon-A-Petite & have a good day. :0)

    Additional Details:  you could have coffee, tea, milk, water, any kinda juice with all the above meals & a multi  vitamin.

  8. Smoothie!

    The Quick Magical Breakfast Blaster

    2 servings, 136 calories per serving

    1 scoop (1/3 cup) Soy protein (like Nature's Plus Spiru-Tein)

    1/2 tablespoon flaxseed oil

    1/4 cup frozen blueberries

    1/2 large ripe banana (or other fruits of your choice)

    1/2 tablespoon apple juice concentrate or honey

    1 teaspoon Psyillium seed husks

    Peel banana; break into chunks. Put all ingredients in a blender. Add 12 ounces of water and ice, as well as powdered vitamins. Cover, blend until fairly smooth.

  9. peekaboo eggs. take a piece of bread and use a small glass (shot size) to cut a hole in the middle.  butter both sides of the cut out and the larger piece.  Place on a frying pan and crack an egg into the middle.  Brown both sides and serve.

  10. kashi cereal .. oatmeal.. sausage... eggs

  11. waffles


    french toast


    eggs and bacon


    cereal and milk

    fresh fruits

    fruit smoothie

  12. the best is an omlette because it keeps u full and a short way to make them is put 2 eggs in a regular plastic bag and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes and after add aal sorts of stuff to it like me since im hispanic i add hot sauce good  luck

  13. Im suprised no one said coffee. Coffee is great.

  14. cut up fruit and put it in a bag and eat it on the way to work. keep nutrigain bars for an extra pick me up.........................thas how i do.

  15. IDK

  16. I would probably say, a nice coffee cup and maybe a small bowl of those cereals with "high energy" nutrients within the ingredients.  If you don't like coffee, a 5-hour energy drink with a vitamin supplement....nice!!

  17. eat cereal. and eggs.

  18. Cereal, fruit and orange juice

  19. Bacon always get me goin! Bacon is my true love! It is so delicious!!! Also toast is good and fruit. that's what I normally have

  20. wheat toast w/ light butter

    eggs or egg beaters


    and, if u want, veggie bacon


  21. kashi cereal !!!!!!!!!

    or a ham and cheese omlet.

    or a stack of pancakes w/ syrup

    or waffles and fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and a cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!!

  22. i love those carnation drinks.  you just add the powder to the milk and shake it up.  delicious!

  23. Really heathy food and drinks.

  24. High Fiber cereal with a Banana.

  25. blend a bunch of fruit in the blender with milk or apple juice it gives you a a big boost of energy  

  26. pancakes with butter and maple syrup with orange juice or coffee which ever you prefer. :) tastes really good.

  27. Eat protein!

    You can fix a poached egg in milk in the microwave in 2 minutes, and a piece of toast (to put the egg on) while the egg is cooking.  Add a small glass of juice, and you have just eaten a complete, protein-filled breakfast that will keep you going till noon.

  28. Fruit salad,muslei and yoghurt

  29. oatmeal, fruit, handful of almonds.  

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