
What are some good breeds of cats?

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my parents are letting me get a cat but they don't want allot of hair in the house because we already have 2 dogs, which means that the kitty also needs to be friendly. It dosent need to be to active i am perfectly fine with having a couch patato.




  1. Calicos and tabbys are great I have one of each and they are both really sweet and fun. They get along with my Lab and beagle too!

  2. Best breed is one from the nearest animal shelter. The shelter workers will probably know which ones are comfortible with dogs.

  3. If it's a house cat, it won't shed so much. Regular bathing & combing will drastically reduce the unwanted hair. My aunt has 4 domestic long-haired house cats & a large house, but you'd never know a cat lives there b/c they stay indoors constantly. The ultimite breed for hairlessness is the Sphynx if you can afford one.  

  4. Shelter cat!  You get a friend and save a life too!

  5. i just bought a himalayan kitten from a breeder and she is the best pet ever!! she doesnt shed a lot as long as ur going to brush them and bathe them..yes i said it. lol...GIVE THE KITTEN A BATH while it's young and it wont hate water ...she is very protective tho and she is just now getting used to my 3dogs..i no what u mean about the hair BELIEVE ME lol..well i hope that helps if u need to no more just email me

  6. I've had two Himalayans, and while they're good cats they're the worst for fur everywhere. A shorthaired cat's fur will be less noticable, but long or short you will have SOME fur. Regular grooming will make it a lot better. Get a cat for it's purrsonality. If you get one young enough, it will get used to the dogs. My personal favorite breed is Maine Coon. They're awesome and act a lot like a dog.

  7. Any cat from the animal shelter...if no one adopts them they are put to sleep :(  

  8. Unless you get a bald cat like a Sphinx, you're going to have hair.

    Maine Coons are awesome cats:  big, friendly, comical, and they stay playful their entire lives :o)

    edit:  calicos and tabbies are NOT breeds. They're just fur patterns.  It's like calling a Lab a Black.

  9. Himalayan or how ever you spell it.

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