
What are some good careers....?

by Guest66872  |  earlier

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I really wanna travel around the US at least...What careers involve a lot of traveling around and exploring different areas?

Um...I'm into writing...history...photograpy... and psychology, but none of those are really the "dream job" for me.

I don't want to sit in an office all day, if you catch my drift. My idea of the perfect job is traveling to random cities and interacting with the people there.

What career should I look into?




  1. You should try freelance writing.  Go any place you want, snoop around for and interesting local piece.  Take pictures with your camera and then shop it to the travel magazines, local papers and publications first, then you can write the trip off as a business expense...even if you don't sell the article.

    You should also attend all the writer's conferences etc... where you can meet editors/publishers and bring samples of your articles and photos.  Good luck.  I'm a kindred spirit.

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