
What are some good causes that need donations?

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I am looking to donate alot of money to a needy cause, but it needs to be in Connecticut. Please, I really need some help




  1. i dont know much about these. but why dont you donate for the old people.

  2. any animal shelters will do. there's so many unwanted animals out there. any amount will help. you can split your amount up to diff charities if you want.

  3. Working in home health care, I would say senior services. So many agencies drop the ball when it comes to our aging population, it is so sad. So many have lost everything because they can't afford to have things anymore do to the small amounts they get from socialsecurity. I am not sure what it is called in your state, but here in Ohio, if is "Friends of the elderly"

  4. I am not Catholic, but I know that Catholic Charities is an organization which helps people worldwide, like giving clean razor blades to midwives in India so that an old germ infested piece of broken glass isn't used to cut an umbillical cord, and blankets are distributed so that babies in South America don't leave the hospital wrapped in newspaper.

    Also, I know a man who is a regional rep, or manager, or something like that, for Easter Seals and it seems like they do a lot of good, without keeping a profit.  (I hate giving to charities that keep most of the money to pay their employees)  

    The Mormon Church has a huge humanitarian department; members and non-members alike put together hygiene kits (a towel, shampoo, soap, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and a comb) for people coming in to homeless shelters or battered women's shelters or who have lost their home due to natural catastrophe. They send wheat and food overseas to struggling nations. Your local church that runs a soup kitchen for the poor or Salvation Army are other worthy causes.

    Do you love birds or animals?  Perhaps you would like to see some of the money go to your local no-kill shelter or SPCA.  Good luck in your quest to share what you have in order that others may have a better life.  I hope that everyone can catch the vision.  :)

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