
What are some good cell phone signatures?

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  1. Guest10809

    Love it name

  2. Inside joke

    ~LOok ThEre'S a BiRd~ *Where..? Wait! did you just steel my french frie!?!?*

  3. herezz summ fresshh 1zzz!!!!!

    • **100% REALL**

    • <3 LOveeE HuRtss</3

    • *truu_LUvv*

    • !?!?doo..Yhu LUv mehh??

    • $*whYY NohHt??$*

    •  goT..YHurr..backk**

    • touch..MaH>>BOddYY

    • hoLD mehh!!!

    •  **doNt ruNaWAy**

    • yhuRR Fantasyy=Mah rEalitY**

    • fuckk HOEZZ

    • puNNK SwaGG

    • *<3 EpIc ELMO!!!*<3

    •  *[comE chiLL whIT meH]*

    • {rAndoMM a*s)

  4.  I dont even know what to say.


  5. *-Cr@zii B@by qurl -*

  6. love iz like friendship on fireee!  (:<

  7. ~do u hav $~

  8. #UNoeYhuLuvIdd

  9.  how about ~DR.PEPPER:) if you like dr pepper 

  10. Well i have a feww if theese help


    if your single: ;)single.girll.swagg(;

    if you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend; say you started daten january 1, 2011 i-1-L-1-y-11


    hope theese helped!

  11. ;-Just. Me!*(:


    I dunno..... I change my signature everyday and I'm never satisfied. Haah . Buut, JUst try writing something down, Or it can be a song you like. "inside joke", nickname, or just something simple like tha 1st letter of your name. :) Haah.

  12. -*YourName*- <3

  13. like ur name =)


  14. like ur name =)


  15.  shawty

  16.  shawty

  17. the year u graduate or or will graduate ... like:        ~1995~


  18. omg i got his number so yall cant get it so yall need to leave my man alone he g*y anyways he like black people anyways true s**t  b***h

    by j-money

  19.  Dang3rous! :)

    s**y b***h:) 

    Something completly random 

    Like: Muffins!! Or what ever pops in your head!  LOL 

  20.  wtf kinda question is that??

  21. One_Lovee.

  22. One I know or have on my iPod is musicmakesmefly and your year you were born at the end.

  23. :( Unofficilly Broken):

  24. *~your name:)*

  25. well you would say who u like ...i<3____________

  26. :)L!v3**LAUGH**L0V3(:

    *~!N3V3R 4G3T ALWAY$ R3MEMB3R!~*

    !*^D3ad Dr0p GoR$Ous^~*!

  27. !~*CrAzY*~!

  28. do something that represents you. that tells about yer personality. like mine would be crazycane:)

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Latest activity: 9 years, 11 month(s) ago.
This question has 28 answers.


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