
What are some good charities that help abused+neglected animals?

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    birds are the most abused animals because they are wild, not totally domesticated, they are warm-blooded and have all the emotions of a mamal but they express their (somewhat alien, prey-animal) emotion in feathers and body language, and for this reason people think they have no feelings. or they mis-treat them anyway. they get neglected and abused and mis-treated a lot more, which is a shame, since they are actually smart enough to ask for what they want in your own human language!

    tha audubon society helps wild birds. did you know that blue-birds used to be common until humans chopped down all their trees? they only live in holes of a certian size. now blue-birds only survive because of bird-houses built by bird-lovers, and audobon teaches people how to do that. is good too.

  2. buy a fishing license.all that money goes to conservation

  3. has a list of all registered animal groups in your area and in the country. Many of the groups on that website are great. However, I think that the North Shore Animal League is not a very good charity. They make insane amounts of money that doesn't go to the animals and at least half of the animals they adopt out are sick and they don't tell anyone. And a lot of the people who adopt there end up giving up their pets within a year.

  4. ASPCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    Operation Kindness

    Those are the two most prominant ones.

  5. There are so many that it boggles the mind.  Do you want charities that save big cats, horses, cats and/or dogs, wild animals in general, burros, livestock, birds?  

    Here are just a few:

    Big Cats:   Tiger Creek Wildlife Refuge, EARS, Noah's Lost Animal Ark, Wildlife Waystation.  Some of these also take other large mammals.

    Cats and/or Dogs:  Alley Cat Allies, Arizona Animal Welfare League, Alley Cat Rescue, Doris Day Animal League, Best Friends, Harmony House for Cats.  Some of these also take other small mammals like rabbits.

    Horses and Burros:  People Helping Horses, Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue, Front Range Equine Rescue, Redwings Horse Sanctuary,  Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue.

    Not to mention general wildlife protection groups like:  World Wildlife Fund, National Wildlife Federation, Defenders of Wildlife, The Fund for Animals.

    Anti-vivisection Groups:  PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)

    Don't forget the longstanding groups like The Humane Society and the ASPCA

    Also, if you want the name of more groups just enter "Animal Rescue Groups" into your browser.  You'll come up with even more animal rescue groups.

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