
What are some good cheerleading stretches when your a Base?

by  |  earlier

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I am a base, and I really want to know some good stretches that I can do to help me, especially for extensions and some other harder things.

Thanks =)




  1. I'm base too... and the stretches that help me the most are lunges and squats. They help me stretch out my hamstrings.

  2. Well, I am a flyer but I do know a lot about basing. I think that a strech won't help you that much. You definetly need to do the usual streches that you do everyday for warmup. You should do a few extra pushups and some planks. Arm and wrist strength is important, but not as important as leg strenght. When you are a base you need to lift your flyer up with your legs. So you should really do some running and maybe even lift some weights with your legs.

    Hope I helped!

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