
What are some good chess books that an amateur can use to improve his or her game?

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I have read Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur

I want to read more of such books where the chess master's games are analyzed.




  1. My opinion is that every book is not good for you. The way i got good is just by getting cleaned off the board a few times. It's all about strategy and remembering the tough spots you get into. And never ever panic. That's when i s***w up the worst. Another tip of mine: keep at your own pace. Don't let losing all the time keep you from playing. You never learn anything by winning all the time.

  2. Try "Chess For Dummies" and "Killer Chess Tactics"!

  3. Just to let you know there are also some computer "chess teachers" out there that can really help your game, show you moves and some of them have "professional" games step by step so you see the moves and give you a scenario for why or how to use the moves.

  4. There are many such out there.  The only book that ever improved my game is MCO (Modern Chess Openings).  The other ones I have read were mostly entertainment.

  5. MCO (Modern Chess Openings) is a good book, no doubt.

    It has "book lines" of chess openings.

    I use MCO more as one would use an encyclopedia

    rather than something to read cover to cover.

    It has been said that you will be best served to learn ideas,

    rather than only memorize certain lines in certain openings.

    There are at least a few good answers (if you also include mine)

    at this Resolved Question at Yahoo! Answers:

    "What chess books do you recommend?";...

    In summary of 2 parts of that answer:

    These are definitely classics:

    "My System" by Aron Nimzowitsch

    "Pawn Power in Chess" by Hans Kmoch

    "Chess Endings Essential Knowledge" by Yuri Averbakh

    "Ideas Behind the Chess Openings" by Reuben Fine

    You'd benefit from the trustworthy recommendation


    by the USCF (United States Chess Federation) at

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