
What are some good classes to get into when you're homeschooled?

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Well i am 13 years old and i live in arizona. I am going to be homeschooled this year and i wanted to know any good classes i could get into. Plus i am a girl and i dont really prefer sports much. and i really cant draw or paint. help?! i just dont want to get bored all the time. and i want to get out of the house too haha.




  1. This is straight form the blog below

    How will I make friends?


    -church youth group


    -art classes

    -teen council

    -start a club

    -get together with old friends

    -work a part time job

    -join a homeschool support group

    -community orchestra

    -drama club



    You will make some really great friends because they will share common interests with you that last longer than a high school class.

    I would add that it's always fun to try something new.

    Best of Luck!


  2. Around your age I was in:


    Violin lessons

    Piano Lessons



    Volunteer work


    Most of my friends were in homeschool debate which can be huge for college later on.  So you're not good at art?  Who cares.  You can only get better if you take lessons or practice.  This year is the perfect time to get involved in politics.  Find local politicians to volunteer for or even support your presidential candidate by helping out at their local office.  It's a great way to make friends because even if you aren't old enough to vote, there is always work to be done!

  3. well you could try to make a stuy group with other homeschool friends . have the study groups at a different house each time. maybe even have it a the park one day. also volenteer even if its lame. just try to find a friend to do it with or make a friend there. if you have a rec center or a ymca try seeing if they have any classes there. you'd be surprised the class/activities they have. make the best of homeschooling , get double work done one day and go on a field trip the next, even if its to the mall, or near by amusment park, waterpark, aquarium. ect.

  4. Well if you really can't draw or paint, go down to your local art studio and sign up for art classes. See, the point of an art class, or any class for that matter is to LEARN to do something, not demonstrate what you already know how to do, duh.

    Fencing is a great individual sport that anyone can do if they're willing to try, and it's fairly popular with girls, at least in my area.

    Gymnastics, swimming, and horseback riding are also good sports to try if you want something that other girls will be involved in.

    Check your local library and see if they have a poetry club, chess club, book club, game night, scrapbooking class, or any other youth activities. Mine has a ton, so I'm sure yours will at least have one or two things going on.

    Art studios also tend to have classes in more hands on things like bead making or jewelery making, scrapbooking, crafts, etc.

    See if a local theater near your area has a drama club or other acting or performing classes. Some even have costume making and stage craft classes.

    Check local music stores, studios, or music schools to see what kind of singing classes, instrument classes, or dance classes are available. Some of these places even offer group classes like band, orchestra, or chorus for homeschoolers.

    See if there are any cooking classes being held in your area.

    You could try yoga. I've heard that's quite fun.

    Check your local Parks and Recreation website to see what's available, and if you think of something you'd like to try but can't find it on Parks and Rec, just check the phone book. Another important thing to do is to get involved with your local homeschool group as they will likely offer a lot more to you than even most public schools could. Good luck

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