
What are some good colleges to look into to pursue a career as an Anesthesiologist?

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just asking for a little advice here, because i have no where to start. I live in Jacksonville, FL and going to college has really never been a priority in my family, and my mom isn't to big on the idea of me going. Basically, if i want this, i'm not getting much help from her(as fa as searching goes) if anyone can PLEASE give me some suggestions, ideas, anything would be helpful. Thank you so much

* I'm a junior in high school, but everyone says it's a good idea to start looking now. I mean i know what i wanna do, i just don't know how to do it




  1. Ranto is right, except that you'll want to do your residency in anesthesiology, not pediatrics.

  2. Doctors don't really specialize until they do their residency.  That means you have a lot of steps ahead of you.  You need to:

    1.  Finish High School.

    2.  Get ia BS -- making sure you take the pre-med classes

    3.  Go to medical school for four years to get an MD

    4.  Spend a year as a medical intern

    5.  Spend three years as a pediatric resident

    6.  Take an exam to become board certified.

    Right now, you should be concentrating on doing whatever you can to get into the best college possible.

    To convince your mother that going to college is a good idea, show her the graph on the link below.

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