
What are some good condom websites?

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Please dont delete this question! I just wanna know what are some good condom websites? Btw im not some 12 year old girl im 18.




  1. condom website? i am not catching your you mean what website to buy condoms from....??? idk...i cant help you here...

  2. I'm suspicious...

    But what do you mean by 'condom sites', like how to put a condom on a guy?? If that's what you mean then here you go...

    Condoms offer excellent protection from pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections when used correctly. Keep in mind that you should put the condom on before the p***s touches the v***a. Use a condom only once, and use a new one for each erection. Always make sure you have several condoms. So, what does "used correctly" mean?

    -First, be careful when taking the condom out of its package foil. You don't want to tear it. If the condom is not lubricated, put a drop or two of water-based lubricant inside of it.

    -If the p***s is not circumcised, pull back the f******n before rolling on the condom.

    -Place the rolled condom over the tip of the hard p***s.

    -Leave a half-inch space at the tip to collect s***n.

    -Pinch the air out of the tip with one hand. (Friction against air bubbles causes most condom breaks.)

    -Unroll the condom over the p***s with the other hand.

    -Roll it all the way down to the base of the p***s.

    -Smooth out any air bubbles.

    -If the condom is not lubricated, put a water-based lubricant on the outside of the condom.

    -After ejaculation, it's important to pull out before the p***s softens.

    -Don't spill the s***n — hold the condom against the base of the p***s while you pull out.

    -Throw the condom away.

    Remember: practice makes perfect — and you can practice putting on a condom on a p***s or any p***s-shaped object such as a bottle, banana, or cucumber.

    EDIT: Here's a site to buy them online.

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