
What are some good drinks to order at a bar?

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I'm going to a sports bar tomorrow and I was wondering what kind of selection would they have for specialty drinks and shots. I know they'll mostly have beer and I like beer, so I know what to get if I wanted that, but I feel like trying something different. I don't really like magaritas, but I do like something with flavor. Screwdrivers don't really cut it for me.

Also, I'm curious to know how much should I tip a bartender? Do I tip per drink or before I leave?




  1. If i don't drink beer i drink SoCo and lime or Jack and Coke.  

    Tip when u pay for ur drink, so if u run a tab just tip at the end of the night.

  2. DRINK lotta whiskey if u dont wanna remember wut happened that night. (i know i drank lotta whiskey at a bar b4, i couldnt remember wut happened to me that whole last week) LOL

  3. For a shot try a buttery crown. It is bailey's Irish cream, crown royal, and butterscotch shcnapps.

    A good mixed drink is a long island iced tea.

  4. Just be careful with tequilla! and other hard alcohol!  I have recently had a bad experience with it and almost had to be rushed to the hospital!

  5. They should have a drink menu. It depends on if you like fruity or hard or sour. I like rum and coke and shots of course. Beer with lime too.

    Hate the fruity c**p, hate margaritas too.

    Tip $1 every round, that's what I do! LOL

    P.S. most bars have their own "special" drinks and shots. Different names than other bars.

  6. If your paying with cash tip per drink, if your running a tb, tip at the end.  My favorite bar drink is Capt N Coke but that is just me.  Try a buttery nipple shot, they are delicious.  Some good drinks could be "s*x on the beach" "bahama mama" "long island", ask the bar tender what their drink of the day is or tell them the kind of liquor you like and they can tell you some drinks they can make with it.  Have fun!! =)

  7. Lemon drops are yummy and Long islands are always good.

    If running a tab then tip before you leave. If no tab, then tip per drink purchase.

  8. Start a tab and tip 15 to 20% on the bill based on service. It is so much easier than tipping per drink or on each round.

  9. my favorite drink is called a liquid marijuana (they call it that b/c its green - it tastes nothing like it sounds!)

    half shot of blue curacau

    half shot of midori

    half shot of captain morgan

    half shot of malibu rum

    top off w/ pineapple juice

    its absolutely delicious and you can't taste the liquor.

    if you're paying for drinks as you buy them, a dollar per drink is good. if you're starting a tab, i usually tip in $10.00 incriments depending on how good the bartender is.

  10. mai tais are good

  11. Woo Woo's are good and so are Bloody Mary's if you want a full serving of veggies with your vodka ^-^

  12. I remember my first trip to the sports bar.... ahhh, what a magical moment.

    Order a purple kool-aid.

    One part Vodka (cheap s**t works fine)

    One part Creme de Noyeaux (cream of almond - they should have it - it's red)

    One part Blue Caracao

    Shake it - Splash with sprite - serve in pint glass with lots of ice.

    Four of those should put you on your sphincter.  

    Always tip at least 15%

    Good luck!

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