
What are some good excursions in the region of Stockholm?

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In mid july I'm going to Stockholm for five days and would like to spend one day outside of the city. Are there any places particularly worth seeing that are not too far out, accessible by public transport and reasonably priced for a student?




  1. I'd go on a boat trip out to the archipelago. It's really pretty during the summer and one of the thins that are special with stockholm. Not sure how much it would cost, but there are several companies that will take you out there, and several different islands to go to. Utö would be my first recommendation, it's one of the bigger islands and have some historic sites and things to do.

    There are some islands in lake Mälaren as well that might be wort looking into for a day trip depending on what you're into. Drottningholm is an island accessible with public transports (and boat, but they're super expensive) and is the location for a big castle. The gardens around it and the nature is really nice, but not that exciting perhaps.

    Birka is another island that used to be a trade center for the Vikings back in the old days, and they have excavation sites and guided tours and stuff. Its a bit island with lot of things to do, but I haven't been there since I was a little kid so can't tell you much about how it is now.

    And depending on what you mean with outside the city, Djurgården is a must. It's a half island where you find Skansen (a big outdoors museum/zoo that's a must see going to stockholm), a theme park and tons of museums. Its not really outside of the city and easily accessible with public transport or even walking, and in my opinion on of the most beautiful places in stockholm. Just walking around the half island is well worth your times, as you will get some great views of the city from the water, but I would really recommend getting into Skansen instead and walking around there.

    Hope that helped!

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