
What are some good excuses for not wanting to wrestle in gym? {CREATIVE IDEAS PLZ!} ?

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ok so wrestling is required in my gym class..and i dont feel comfortable doing that in front of guys..since its co-ed gym..and also girls who are bi/lez could feel up on me and i really dont like that..what are some excuses i could tell my mom to write about for me..nothing to do with health cus i am really perfectly healthy? some ideas?? no foolish ideas.this is serious! help!




  1. You sprained your wrist/foot.

    Stomach aches



  2. That sucks! lol ok here are some ideas:

    -Say you have a bad sunburn on your legs (make sure u wear long pants!)

    -Say you have hernia

    -Well I can't really think of anything right now lol.

    You should just suck it up and if any weirdo's try to feel up on you, hit them!  It's wrestling right? lol.

  3. think about this for a second.  your being silly.  its not that bad.  just have fun with it.  look i dont think its right that my little brother is timed for running laps in gym class every day and if he doesnt run a half mile in 4 minutes he has to run a full mile in 10.  its complete BS.  this is gonna be fun.  im sure your not gonna have bisexuals all over your school and they will be wrestling everyone too so theyre not gonna pick you out and feel you up unless you make yourself appear uncomfortable.  and guys arent gonna watch you nor are girls.  everyone will be so self -absorbed the first few days not like everyone will be watching YOU.  

    to answer your question, say you disloactaed your shoulder right before the unit begins.  thats not health related and its easy to fake.  make sure its not your dominant hand that you fake though because youll have to write or something if you sit out.

  4. If your mum is anything like mine, she wont write you a note, after all it's 'character-building' to wrestle in front of the guys and girls in your class (just like my mum told me to 'just use a tampon' when swimming and my period coincided!)

    However, if your mum wants to write a note for you, just a note saying you are to be excused from the class would suffice!

  5. Its against your beliefs. sounds stupid but spin it to your advantage. i.e. I feel that such a violent sport should not be caught in school.  Somebody has to stand up and let them know this not right.  People have gotten seriously hurt participating in this sport.


    I feel that being a girl, a guy could violate me in one of those positions. I feel girls should not wrestle. It is a macho sport and what purpose does it serve in a educational setting? It is promoting egotistical behavior.

    what the heck are they doing forcing you to wrestle? Your school is dumb.

    also, why do you need your mom to write it? just forge her signature. students shouldn't be graded on their physical coordination anyways.

  6. Honestly you should suck it up and just wrestle. It's just gym and I am sure a majority of the other people there don't feel comfortable doing it either. It should be fine and its an experience you have to get over this kind of fear some time sooner or later.

  7. your pregnant  

  8. you could say you have....


    or fleas

    or lice

    or spontaneous vomiting

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