
What are some good excuses in truning down an invitation?

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My officemates are inviting me for lunch but I don't want to join them because they are so fond of talking about other people's business. I even know that at times, when I am around, they do "fun talk" about me. How can I turn down their invitation or avoid them without effending them?




  1. Just tell them you take lunch alone to kinda regroup and start fresh.

    Or perhaps go out with them and change the subject every time they start talking bad about someone. Or say something super nice about that person. Or even give reasons why 'Susan' was late, like maybe there was an accident or she got a flat?

    Once they see you won't join in perhaps they will stop completely or just stop inviting you. Then you don't have to lie to them. I have done it many times and people usually realize how senseless and rude they sound and stop. Props for not joining in with them. Not many people have the nerve to do that.

  2. Just say no thanks.

  3. okay so you can say any of the following:

    -I had already made prior engagments

    -You forgot what day it was on

    -you never got an invitation

    -you had something "last minute" to do

    -you just have a busy week and didn't realize it when you RSVPed

    -Family problems

    -death in the family

  4. say you have to meet with your sister to discuss your aunts funeral.

  5. Just say "Oh man is that lunch today? Gee I am sorry but I already made other plans. Maybe I'll catch up with you at another time. Thanks for the invitation though. Have a good time at lunch." and then get out of there as quickly as you can. You were polite, yet not manipulative or hurtful. Since you said you made other plans, be sure that you go someplace in a different direction to where they are going to eat. You don't want to end up at the same restaurant that could be a pretty sticky lie to get out of...especially if you end up eating all alone.

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