
What are some good excuses to get out of jury duty?

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Not having a ride...doesnt work.




  1. you could show up dressed like a clown

  2. Why do you want to get out of jury duty?  As an adult who has the privilege of living in this country, one of the very few things the government does require from you is an occasional request to serve on a jury.  Juries selected from the general population are an integral part of our justice system; it's every citizens duty to serve.

  3. burn a cross on the courthouse-- then you won't have to.

    go to jail.

    find out what trial its for and become friends wi the family involved.

    as soon as you go to the jury meeting, get the cell out and call the local tv station. contact the enquirer and make a good story up, like the judge was drunk or had p**n ect. come up with something rediculous.

    and then you will get out of jury duty.

  4. In most locations he simply ask to posepone it for up to 6 months. You still have to go at some point. So they don't excuse you from it. They just allow you to delay it.

  5. Ok im gonna let you in on a little secret , but it depends on what state you are from. I am from Missouri, The MO constitution states in Article I Section 22 (b) That NO citizen shall be disqualified from jury service because of s*x, BUT the court shall excuse any WOMAN who requests exemption therefrom before being sworn as a juror.

    Check your states Constitution, it works seriously and if they wont except that as an excuse, then they are violating the constitution of your state!  I would be curious to know what state you are from and their laws.

    Although like the others, I to believe it is your civic duty.  But if you cant you cant! Good LUck

  6. The one time I was called for Jury Duty I actually , really enjoyed it!

  7. Excuses (not my real beliefs)

    1 I'm predice

    2 I believe in death sentence


    4 THE Aliens said he's guilty

    5 In labor

    6 I've had s*x with the judge

    7 i've had s*x with accused

    8 No Habla Ingles

    9 Your sole provider and can't get off (real one)

    10 Me no citizen lol

  8. call in dead

  9. Show up plugged into an IV with a catheter inserted. Be in labor. Other than that, you are pretty much out of luck.

    On the other hand, it is one of the basic foundations of our judicial system. To be judged by a jury of your peers is something that you would be surprised is unheard of in many countries. It may be a financial burden but peoples lives can be at stake. If you want to vote, to enjoy the freedoms of our nation, then you should be willing to contribute more than just words on Yahoo.

  10. full time student

  11. Well, first, I would say do your jury duty. It's your civic responsibility, and it's really not that bad. Plus, it gives you some insight into how the criminal justice/civil system in your location works. But if you really need to get out of it....

    1. full time student

    2. full time caregiver for children

    Those two are supposed to work. Good luck! But reconsider just doing it.

  12. Why would you want to?  It's your civic duty.

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