
What are some good exercises I can do with my daughter?

by Guest33846  |  earlier

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she is 6 months old.




  1. ♥lie on ur back and put her on your shins and then lift your legs up and then back down and keep doing that, pushing her in a stroller,or just carrying her is good exercise♥

  2. Need 2 wait till she's older she's 2 small 4 exersices

  3. Exercise?  Don't try to exercise your 6 month old baby.  Play with her.  Get her crawling around and keep her away from the tv.  That's all you can do.  Teach her to enjoy outside and go on walks (her in a stroller).

  4. I think she may be too young. Just have her crawl around.

    Answer mine?;...

  5. Enrol in baby yoga, most gyms do or have information on courses. Swimming is good to!

  6. swimming, pushing a pushchair, rolling around on the floor

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