
What are some good facts to support that globla warming is not true?

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i dont think that global warming is happening and I have to do a persuasive report! HELP!!!!




  1. Al Gore made a $100,000,000 peddling the fear of global warming. I would think that would be incentive enough for him to lie about it, not that a politician actually needs a reason to lie.

  2. Weather men can't tell use what will happen tomorrow.

    How can these guys know what will happen in a century?

    Think of how complex a single storm is.  We still don't really understand tornadoes or where hurricanes really really come from.  Weather is so so complex that I don't think we'll ever get it.  I mean all of it, maybe bits and pieces, but not all of it.

    Keeping in mind I do think we need to reduce reuse and recycle.  I just think we need to do it for reasons other then global warming.  Oil is going to run out.  The middle east might decide we don't need their oil any longer.  China.

  3. This website is AWESOME for this type of stuff.

  4. Since it's a political issue, it's harder to find the truth.  Here are some links showing the real science, not the bogus c**p Al Gore and his kooks want you to believe.

    Good luck with the report.

  5. You need to define this topic a little more precisely.  Here is a suggested approach.

    We are currently in an "ice age".  Glaciers cover Greenland and the Antarctic.  Within our ice age, glaciers grow and recede.  See:

    No one disputes we have warmed out of an extensive glaciation 10,000 years ago, or that we have warmed up from a "little ice age" 400 years ago.

    The question is whether release of CO2 from burning fossil fuels over the last 150 years has significantly contributed to our current warming cycle.  This is called "anthropogenic global warming" or AGW.

    Temperatures estimated in the past are just approximate, and the data are "noisy" and have a lot of variance.

    Temperatures measured by satellite over the past 25 years are precise, but still very "noisy".  

    If you look at past glaciation cycles, it is difficult to see where our current temperatures are anything unusual.  See:

    A really good paper on this topic is at:

    Whenever people show graphs that don't start at zero, or have greatly exaggerated y scales ... they are being dishonest.  Period.

    This is a little like magnifying a small zit so it fills an entire photograph, and then claim the person has a severe acne problem.  They may, but you can't tell from one zit.  You have to see the whole face.  And most people would say that a few small zits here and there are nothing to worry about.

    So the typical approach in AGW is to ignore past cycles, and greatly magnify our current cycle, exaggerating the y scale so that fractions of a degree appear like Mt. Everest.

    These techniques are well known in the statistical world.  There is even a book, "How to Lie with Statistics", that goes into detail about how to mislead people with data and graphics.

    There are very few things in the world that are black and white.  There is definite black, and definite white, and a whole lot of gray in between.

    When you persuade people, you don't need to take them from black to white, or turn them from one point of view to another.

    You just need to move them from black or white into the gray, and show the gray area is pretty big.

    If you can get them to acknowledge some uncertainty and understand the world is not neat and tidy, you have succeeded.

    At the end you may get people to say, yeah maybe there is  something to AGW, but not enough to justify destroying the economy of the USA.  There is too much uncertainty.

  6. Stop fighting science. Global warming is real and must be halted before in ends civilization as we know it.

  7. sorry to break it to you, but global warming IS real, and if you want, i could list lots of proof

  8. Do you just want to dispute that CO2 is behind the warming? It is easy to argue that the Earth hasn't warmed since 1998 but a bit harder to argue that it won't begin warming again. It always gets warmer between ice ages and we're currently a bit overdue for the next ice age.

    CO2 levels were 20 times higher than they are now and temp was less than 10C degrees warmer than now. They were several times higher than they now are during an ice age, so it isn't too hard to refute the CO2 argument regarding global warming. Few argue that it may begin warming again, or GW for global warming. What we dispute is anthropogenic global warming, or that we're responsible for most or all of the warming.

    CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas which is why it's warming potential is rated as a 1, and other gases are rated based on that. Methane is 21 times as potent, nitrous oxide is 296, sulfur hexafluoride is over 22,000 times as potent as CO2. See the link on greenhouse gases (GHG).

    We just ended a cold spell in the Northern Hemisphere, they are still having one in the Southern Hemisphere. Global warming refuses to follow the models used by the IPCC so they have to revise them and now they have stopped calling it warming and refer to it as climate change. That way, whatever happens can be made to fit their theory if twisted, re-sampled and averaged enough. It's getting colder in Antarctica with thicker ice, the oceans aren't warming as the models say they should and neither is the tropical troposphere.

    There are several good sites about this issue, obviously far more arguing that AGW is a fact and the science is settled and the consensus is in. None of which is accurate. I'm providing some links I've found useful in the past. Good luck.

  9. The effect is happening. We call it 'Global Warming' to add some spice to it and for us (as humans) to focus and see it as a thing. We could call it Bob and we'de be running around screaming: Bob is almost here! Help.

    65 million years ago, the earth was covered in poisonous gasses and the shift in the planet was one of the casuses of Dinosaur demise (that and a ruddy great big rock!).

    We are just coming out of an Ice Age, and it is expected to warm up after that, it is the rate of warming. Humans don't like change, and they don't like making amendments to science books asthat is too costly to reproduce (a reason why Pluto is still recognised as a Planet - so that schools don't have to buy new books).

    You want a persuasive report, look at the big picture: Vineyards were common place in England during the middle ages (1000 to 1200AD). Our (human) statistical data on weather is less than 200 years old. 200 out of... what? 3 billion? If we were looking at a mathematical problem, there wouldn't be enough data to conclusively state anything.

    We are damaging the environment and we may well be speeding up the process by some degree, but it is the height of human folly to think that the world's natural problems are the direct result of us.

  10. there is no globla warming. the globla is going to remain frigid.

  11. sorry but there are none. global warming is a real issue

  12. Sorry, to tell you but it is true.

    Some people are just hopelessly clinging onto the believe that it isn't true so they don't have to change their lifestyle.

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