
What are some good farming/agricultural websites?

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What are some good farming/agricultural websites?





  2. Hmm - It really depends on what you want to know, and at what level of detail. A great place to start would be the government-regulated farming body of the country you live in. For me, that would be Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, which is at but if you live in the US, it'd be You can also do research by province or state, to get advice that's tailored to your local environment, and relevant information on local agriculture etc. You just have to google your state or province name and agriculture and it's almost certainly going to be the first link. There are many sites out there that are sponsored by agri-businesses such as 'John Deere' or 'Monsanto' etc. And while there may be some gems of info on them, I'd steer clear as the ulterior motive is to convince you that their product is better!

    Again, if you gave more detail, I could point you in the right direction, but gov sites are a good starting point. Good luck!

  3. there are too many good ones to list.  Go to any land grant university in the midwest and that will give you a good start. (Univ. of Illinois, Univ of Iowa, Purdue, Indiana Univ. ect).  Also Prairie Farmer, Successful Farming, Drovers Journal, Hogs Today......   You can always go to the UDSA site, or any state agriculture dept website.  go to and that will give you about every publication, both private and public.

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