
What are some good fighting moves?

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School is coming up and I want to make sure I know how to fight off the annoying Mexicans.

I would punch in the stomach and knee in the face. Punch at the nose. Kick em in the nuts. hit em in the ear. what else are good moves?




  1. Im sure your school has a strict anti bullying code. I sure it reads something like this.

    Sit down passively and take your beating then go tell the teacher what happened.

    Other ideas is just to shut up and stay away from fights, they're usually not great fun unless your a sociopath or a rascist. Budikan kid would probably brick it if someone actually brushed off his skin.

    I'd hate to get you in trouble but heres what i reckon, whatever i tell you now, you'll forget in 2 minutes, and your not going to remember it when its impotant. Try get it tatooed on your hand. Oh and no matter how many times you run through that combination you will start the fight with, he'll move his head and peg you. (refer to 1.)

    You will get hit definite.

    It may hurt, little or alot thats your variable.

    1) If somebodies in your face and you didnt start the thing, hit them anywhere in the head, hard. Then hit them again and again and again until they fall. Then stop, ask him to reconsider what he was saying. And leave it at that.

    2) Never throw a punch unless somebody is likely to hit you first. But if you do have to hit someone, go all out until your safe, or dont do a thing. Hitting somebody once to teach them a lesson only pisses a person off more.

    3) If this does happen and your just stareing at each other with your hands up, make the first move. Chances are they will probably have their hands up, KICK THEM IN THE SHINS, nobodies ever gotten suspended for that, then belt them in the head (refer to 1.)

    4) never hit a downed man, this is school, not a street. You are going to be around this person (and his friends) for a few years, not need to really p**s them off.

    Leave the stomach alone, stomach shots are for the unprepared, maybe for a fisrt punch followed by 1. Otherwise they belong in a ring to tire the other person. Once again schoolyard, short fights are the most common.

    Knee in the face, great idea, sloppy if you dont know it right, i know its pretty self explanotory. But still, 2 feet on the ground is better than one, add an n and you'll have none.

    Kick em in the nuts, a favourite amongst girls. Refer to 4.

    The ear? have you seen fightclub? Bar that, its a dull stining pain. Though it does tend to swell making it look like you made bits out of him. just stick to 1.

    Note im not advocating racial violence. Buddhism etc etc. Anybody could use these BASIC ideas. Serious do some boxing. Not serious, try embroidery.

    To finish with a qoute, "The best laid plans never survive first contact with the enemy"

  2. What physical characteristics are prevalent in only Mexicans?  I was not aware their anatomy required special techniques.    

  3. Best move: Don't be a d**n racist.

  4. I SAY, FIGHT ALL THE MEXICANS U WANT!!! There's no such thing as a sissy move but stomach punches dont hurt  ecspecialy if they have a 6 pac and u might get jumped (u kno how mexicans are). school fights get broken up fast so you'lll need a quick KO or something that says "dont f**k with me". heres a few tested choices ive used:

    a) 3 piece: right shovel hook (diagonal uppercut, very devastating) then (if they don't drop) left hook (to the chin), right hook (to the chin)=KO!.

    b) 2 piece: kick nuts, (they should drop to there knees) grab back of head and smash face off knee twice or so=KO!

    c) 2 piece: right hook (to the chin), grab (where their collar should be) and smash ur forehead (where ur hairline is) into their nose like twice=KO!

    d) 3  piece: with ur left hand grab their collar SMASH a right elbow in their face grab the other collar too now and knee their solar plexus (right below the breast bone) smack an elbow to the back of their head=KO!

  5. Listen, Im a Mexican so dont think Im gonna tell you anything that will get your *** kicked, but seriously thats kinda rhude. All those moves you said are sissy moves, and they would only p**s a mexican off, expecially the kick in the nuts, You have to straight up hit them in the face, mexicans have soft faces, kicks in the legs hurt too, try em out and if they dont work try your old stuff.

  6. You need some of that Juarez Judo: judo know if I gotta blade, judo know if I gots a gun, judo know if my buddy's around the corner, j'you just dunno!

    All kidding aside - you're going to school to learn just like anybody else would.  Surely not all of those Mexicans are annoying, and unless you know them all, it's not fair to say that they are.  And being annoying is not sufficient provocation to fight anyway.  Learn more about real life.

    My family is mixed so I can't side one way or the other, but if I saw a Mexican targeting a white kid to steal from them or push them around I'd go "Remember the Alamo" on him so hard he'd never even think about picking on a white kid again without crying.  Likewise, if I saw some Caucasian picking on a hispanic kid I'd teach him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget and I'd do it with some extreme devastation.

    People should treat each other with kindness and respect, not bully people because of their race, and fight for something actually worth fighting for like protecting people from abusive thugs.

  7. you shouldnt fight unless there is no way out without fighting. unless you are cornered or they are beating the c**p out of someone else you shouldnt fight. any real martial artist should tell you this.

    im sorry but only a dumbass with go and fight people just for their race.

  8. Break their arm, neck, dislocate their shoulder, break their knees, ankles, fingers, wrists, pluck their eyes out, and kill them. All good stuff.

  9. You should avoid fights, and I am no evne going to get into the racial undertones of your question.

    As for what bujikan Ninja says i would seriously doubt that you would be able to do anything he suggests without training, an if you did in a simple school fight expect to go to jail for assault or worse. Also why would you take advice from somebody who despit their extensive training thinks that a yellow belt in TKD has to register as a lethal weapon in Florida? Here's proof.;...

    The fact is that he is a wanna be cyber Ninja.

  10. Call Immigration.

  11. look up diagrams for vital points soft spots on the body  but just be carefull you don't kill someone it takes less than you think, nose is good cause eyes swell and water so they can't see but the jaw and temple is the knockout zone also palm strike to the belt buckle hits the bladder and pelvic bone but once again don't kill no body

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