
What are some good foods that contain a lot of protein that are not meat items?

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not eggs.

what are some good foods(like normal foods, not nutrient supliments) or drinks that contain a good amount of protein?

stuff a vegetarian could eat. ^_^

please and thank you ^_^




  1. Pinto beans. I make them in the crock pot and they're yummy and very protein rich.  

  2. Sorry to say it, but the best sources of COMPLETE protein are meat, fish, & eggs.

    Sam, scientists are finding out that saturated fat and cholesterol is less harmful than previously thought and may even be good for you. Meat, eggs, fish and other "fatty" foods were the staples of the human diet during man's evolution. In fact, the protein and fat rich foods are the reason humans were able to develop large brains.

    Besides, has anyone noticed that Americans started getting much fatter when people were switching to a low-fat, high carb diet?

    As for soy, any consumption besides small amount is bad for you. Soy, like other legumes, are toxic unless cooked and processed. Tofu certainly isn't natural.

  3. heres a website I found that should help you

  4. Quinoa. Its actually a seed, but people consider it to be a grain. Its very high in protein. You can make a salad my mixing some cooked quinoa with cherry tomatoes, corn, whatever else vegetables, and putting some white wine vinegar and lime juice dressing (or add whatever else you want!)

    It also makes a nice wrap. You can mix it with some cooked black beans for a burrito. My mom has it for breakfast. She puts a little honey or sometimes molasses in it as a sweetener.

    Beans are very high in protein. So are seeds and nuts, peanuts (actually a legume). The right combination of vegetables is all the protein you need.  

  5. here we go again... meat is not a protein giant... nor is it an iron giant.

    here's the explaination.

    (vegetarian diets of fresh produce are the best diets, as you well see in that link the reason.)

    why people think meat, dairy and especially eggs has anything in it, is beyond me.         meat is a fat giant...  eggs are a cholesterol giant  topping at 200 mg per egg!   and dairy,  high in triglycerides, cholesterol and other fats.    none have any substantial iron, protein of any sort or any calcium.    

  6. Tofu!!!

    Beans (soybeans are delicious)

    any frozen meatless meals

    If you eat fish, white meated fish are very high in protein..

    Green Vegatables, especially peas and broccoli!

  7. Protein is found in nearly everything. It's often called "the building blocks of life" and plants are living organisms just as well as animals.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds can offer more than enough protein.

    Here are some good examples of people that never eat meat.

  8. nuts, they have a lot of calories but also a ton of protein and other great nutrients.  some of the best are almonds and walnuts, but peanuts have less than most other nuts.  also beans, soy products ie tofu

    but those proteins are still different than the proteins in meat and fish, which the human body needs to be healthy.  if you can eat fish i would do it; tastes good and very good for you.

  9. Quinoa.  It is a grain that is cooked similar to rice.  Quinoa is the only grain that is complete protein in and of itself.  You do not need to add another food to it to turn it into a protein.  When cooked Quinoa looks similar to Tapioca.  You can use it in place of rice in any recipe.

    Beans and lentils are another source of protein but they are incomplete source of protein so you will have to add some other foods to it.  You can add yogurt or cheese to it.  If you are vegan then you can use the soy version of these products.

    You can add whey protein powder (not a neutritional drink) to any mix or recipe to give you additional protein.  If you are vegan then you can use vital wheat glutan powder which is the powdered form of protein in wheat.  This is the same substance used to make seitan, the wheat meat substitute that can be used as you would use tofu.

    Tofu is another good source of protein used in place of meat.  It is made from soy malk and found in soft/silken, firm, and extra firm.  Like seitan, tofu will take on the flavor of any foods you place with it.  One caution, when using tofu is to watch the sodium levels of any broth or seasoning you marinate or cook it in.  Tofu has the tendancy to absorb the salty taste of the sodium.  

  10. bananas!! They are really good. Try googling it too.

  11. Nuts, milk products, beans, lentils and seeds are the main ones!! Good luck x

  12. Mabye some mashed potatos or V8

  13. tofu, or any other soy product is vegetarian and is a great source of protein.

    most other legumes [including beans, lentils, dairy/meat substitues] are a good source of protien

    whole grains also offer some protien, and they're good for you!

    god luck!

  14. eggs, nuts and tofu

  15. peanut butter, broccoli

  16. Beans and nuts.

    But protein isn't actually an issue for most vegetarians.  Most Americans get more protein than they need.  

  17. there is pure pea protein powder to add to drinks

    whey protein powder


    Kashi granola bars



    hazel nuts

    brazil nuts

    beans and rice


  18. Eggs and cheese and milk.  

    Since when are bananas a protein source?  

    Most legumes are incomplete proteins.  

  19. uhhh tofu

  20. Beaaaaaaans. Especially soy beans.

  21. Lentils, chick peas, beans, tofu, soy.

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