
What are some good foreign exchange programs?

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I've been thinking about going on a foreign exchange program as a high school student... I've already looked at programs like AFS and Rotary but I honestly have no idea which programs out there are the best. So far I've found that AFS is easier to get information on but more expensive. If anyone has any experience with this, please give me your opinion. =]




  1. i went to japan in 1991.  kansai daikokugo daigaku.  it was pretty cool.  the only thing i can say, is don't live with a family if you don't have to.  they don't normally have enough housing  in some programs, so have home stays.  and try and tell you that you get more of the culture experience.  which was a lie.   if i wanted to meet japanese people, all i had to do was walk outside.  they were all over the place.

    but in the homestay, the family had a schedule, and life things.  which is fine.  but i wanted to run around and explore more.  but you  really can't and not be rude to the family.

  2. So I get to speak up for Rotary International.  It's a very competitive program, and they take very good care of their students.  I had a much better situation when I was in Japan as an exchange student (in Nagoya at Aichi Shukutoku Kotogakko) back in the 80s than my exchange friends who were with other groups.  I loved the different host families I stayed with.  It was, outside of marriage and my little girl, probably the most important thing I've done in my life.

    Additionally, the students who have come to my high school through the years through Rotary were very good students.  Some students from other groups were, well, not here to study, that's for sure...

    I suppose there is a difference between staying with host families in high school versus college.  It would be harder as a college student to live within someone else's rules.  However, as a high schooler, you'd want to have that support.

    I hope you're able to figure out what works for you.


    I'm going to a different country for highschool through that program in 2009. It seems like a great program! The prices are pretty low, compared to other study abroad programs. I would highly recommend going through Intrax.

  4. Calis is completely wrong.  Your best bet is to go with AFS.  I was in a similar predicament as you once, and AFS is by far the best way to go.  All the reputable programs cost pretty much the same and AFS has the most upstanding history and mission.  Staying with a family is the only option you're going to have across the board, but don't let him discourage you.  You'll learn to like them even if at first you have trouble adapting.  The cultural experience is definately enhanced and you'll walk away with an experience more than a bunch of photos of you in front of landmarks and memories of trying to hook up with people.

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