
What are some good free printable coupon sites?

by  |  earlier

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i can go to print off coupons for groceries and household products




  1. Check out

    The have free printable coupons for several retail stores, some restaurants and a few grocery ones too.

    No hassle! No spam! Just click and print and $ave.


  3. I saw your question about coupons.

    Here are a couple of resources I found that lets you print coupons for many, many stores.

    One will also pay for shipping if you order something online.

    The other one will give you $75 worth of printable coupons and a shot at $1500.00 worth of gas!

    I hope this helps you.


    I have seen instances where Wal-Mart has refused Internet Coupons. Here is their policy

    from their web site. Thought it may help you sometime.

    Wal-Mart Coupon Policy

    Wal-Mart accepts the following types of coupons (see guidelines below):

    Manufacturer coupons (Cents Off)

    Free merchandise (or manufacturer's Buy-One-Get-One-Free) coupons

    Store coupons

    Pharmacy (Advertising and Promotional) coupons

    ((Internet coupons))

    Soft drink container caps

    The following are guidelines and limits:

    Wal-Mart only accepts coupons for merchandise we sell and only when presented at the time of purchase.

    Coupons should have an expiration date and be presented within the valid dates. Wal-Mart will not accept expired


    Internet coupons should be legible and say "Manufacturer Coupon." There should be a valid remit address for the

    manufacturer and a scannable bar code.

    Only one coupon per item is permitted.

    Use of 40 or more coupons per transaction will require approval by Customer Service Manager.

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