
What are some good freshwater aquarium plants?

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apparently my goldfish likes to prune her garden and she's eating these new plants i put it. haha.

so i want to put more plants in there.

what are some ones you recommend?

what are some ones good for ground coverage?

here's the two kinds of plants i have currently:





    Amazon Sword Plant -


    Anubias barteri round leaf  

    Anubias coffeefolia  

    Anubias hastifolia

    Anubias nana  

    Anubias nana on Driftwood  

    Aquarium Plant Pack -

    Balansae Plant -

    Banana Plant  

    Brazilian Sword  


    ChainSword - Narrow Leaf  

    Chilensis -    

    Corkscrew Vallisneria -

    Green Cryptocoryne  

    Red Cryptocoryne

    Dwarf Baby Tears  

    Dwarf Hairgrass  

    Dwarf Sagittaria -

    Four Leaf Clover  

    Indian Red Sword  

    Java Fern  

    Kleiner Bar Sword  

    Ludwigia - Broad  

    Ludwigia inclinata -    

    Madagascar Lace Bulb  

    Madagascar Lace -

    Melon Sword

    Micro Sword  


    Moss Ball  

    Myrio - Green  

    Myrio - Red

    Ozelot Sword -    

    Radican Sword    

    Radican Marble Queen -

    Red Rubin -

    Rotala Indica  

    Rotala Magenta - Ruffle Plant

    Temple – Narrow Leaf  

    Variegated Japanese Dwarf Rush -

    Water Sprite  

    Wisteria -

  2. Looks like you have some anacharis in there, but I don't know what the other one is.  If your goldfish is eating your plants, you want some that grow fast or are less palatable.  I'd try some java moss, java fern, anubias nana and some amazon sword.  Maybe some crypts and dwarf hair grass for ground cover.  Java moss and java fern grow very fast and the anubias nana is very slow growing, but very hardy with tough, broad leaves that might be more difficult for your goldfish to graze on.  All of these plants are fairly easy care except for maybe the amazon sword and the dwarf hair grass, but both of those are great looking plants and don't require much more than a little fertilizer every now and then to really flourish.


    this will help u..i think they dont snack on java moss...chk it out

  4. My fav are the java fern and moneyworth.

  5. i buy plastic ones

  6. You may want to read the link at the bottom of the page.... The plant in the back of your tank does not look aquatic.  It looks like one of those ones for terrariums sold at petco in the tubes.  It will slowly die over about a 2 month period as its only semi-aquatic.

    Java fern, Java Moss are both fine for cold water and low light.

    My favorite low wattage plant is Hydrophila deforma, also known as water wisteria.

    Another good plant is apontogen, which can often be grown from seeds (even cheap wal-mart ones).  Most fish don't like the taste of it.

    I don't know if apontogen or wisteria work at lower temperatures though.    The java moss & ferns do though.

    Edit:  5 months is awesome for one of those things.  The ribbon plant probably isn't dying because its colder water, which slows the metabolism of plants considerably.  My experience with those things is just in hotter, tropical water where they start falling apart in as little as 2 weeks.

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