
What are some good games for children 2-8?

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My family has a reunion every year, and it's in two weeks. Anyway, I am in charge of kids games this year, and need around four or five games.




  1. Lay out a baseball field and play kickball. 3 legged race, sack race, statues, jump rope where two turn the rope(need a long rope) have the kids line up and go in, jump once, run out, line back up and repeat with 2 jumps and then when someone misses they're out. The one that lasts the longest wins. Four square, marbles, hopscotch. You need props for some of these.

  2. Sardines is always good but you have to make limits to where people can hide for safety. Also, a simple scavenger hunt, possibly with teams can be fun and easy to set up. Anything with prizes is good as long as everyone gets a prize.  

  3. kickball, sack races,egg on a spoon,get a balloon filled with plain air and have them hit it up into the air....badmiton,volleyball

  4. Memory, Connect 4, you can do a bean bag toss, t-ball, basically anything fairly simple.

  5. soccer, hide and go seek, crayons

  6. My favorite games when I was little were connect four and guess who!  

  7. Egg Relay Game

    Hard-boiled eggs  

    Spoons (wooden or large metal ones)

    . Create two teams of even numbers of participants.

    2. Split those teams in two and have each half stand at opposite ends of the room or field depending on where you are playing.

    3. Give each child a spoon and each team a hard-boiled egg.

    4. Start the relay and then, as the children begin passing the eggs to the other teams, shout out "spin" or "walk like a duck." The children then have to perform this action while crossing to the other player. Switch up the actions as much as you like during play.


    Place obstacles on the course to increase the difficulty of the game.

    Piggy in the Middle

    To exercise the skills of simple throwing and catching in a spirited outdoor children game, three children stand in line, where the two on the end toss a ball back and forth with the intent of keeping it away from the third.

    If the child in the middle is able to catch or retrieve a dropped ball, they then become one of the throwers.

    Hide and Seek

    How can we forget the ultimate game of strategy that really gets the heart pumping? To start, a group of children selects someone as the first to "seek" the remaining children, who will hide within a designated area.

    A home base is also chosen, where the "seeker" closes his or her eyes (often facing a tree or side of a house) and depending on present rules – slowly counts to 10.

    Once they are finished counting, they will announce, "Ready or not, here I come!" The object of the game is to have the "seeker" find whose hiding so they may tag them before they reach the base. Whoever is tagged, then becomes "it" (the seeker).

    I Spy

    One of a games kids can play to sharpen their skills of deduction is to take part in "I Spy," where one person chooses an object they see outside and gives one clue until someone guesses what they have chosen.

    The first person to play might say, " I spy something with my little eye and the color is blue" or "I spy something with my little eye and it is shaped like a circle."

    The person who guesses right gets to choose his or her own object to give a clue on for the next round.

  8. -Treasure hunt---you can hide choclate pennies or 'tokens' around the place. Children ave to find them (younger ones can have adult help)...take tokens to you and then you exchange for a prize. One who has the most wins extra prize!

    -Icing biscuits-have a table with digestives, icing, choc buttons etc....children can have fun decorating and later eating it :)

    -Pass the Parcel (again year ones need an adult)....prize in each or maybe a 'dare' for older ones :)

    Hope that helps x

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