
What are some good games for kids aged 3-4. Like Board games or video games? Something to get them off TV.?

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What are some good games for kids aged 3-4. Like Board games or video games? Something to get them off TV.?




  1. Candyland or Chutes & Ladders are both good games for this age (plus, they're both made in the USA).

  2. Memory is still around and is a great game for that age.  Also consider puzzles with big pieces, play dough, the game with the barrel of monkeys (can't remember what it is called), Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, and MagnaDoodle.

  3. When my daughter was that age (she's 6 now) she liked Candy Land, because she knew her colors, but had a harder time with Chutes and Ladders.  Hi Ho Cherry-O was a favorite.  She enjoyed Don't Spill the Beans and Memory Cards (find matches), Bingo with pictures, Hungry Hungry Hippos or Mr. Mouth (we have a really old one), Yahtzee Junior (ours was Disney - you play with pictures), Twister -- she wasn't very good, but it made her laugh.  Hope this helps.

  4. Little kids like the play on those V-SMILE video game devices. They hook up to the tv and they are games that also teach the kids things like colors, numbers, the alphabet, etc. They are really cool. My little niece just turned three years and she plays on it all the time. She loves it. It is for ages 2-whatever age I guess. It is for toddlers.

  5. try some educational programs for the computer; something that they is going to learn in school anyway; I just brought my grand kids a preschool through high school and college computer ROM for Christmas ; the youngest grand is 2 years old and they are loving it

  6. chutes and ladders- kids this age may make up their own rules but it can still be fun

    candy land

    blowing/ running and popping bubbles

    kicking a ball around

    scavenger hunt

    the park

    go fish

    play dough- add more fun by making it together


    dress up- just use your old clothes

    anything for imagination

    play hose

    make desserts together

  7. If you want to get them off TV, pull out a book & start reading it. Small children are all about observing animate life and responding to it. 1) human interaction - a book or a boardgame is top choice when an adult presents, neither is any good without adult assistance 2) TV is the original electronic day care 3) video captures the same brain cells & turns them to mush.

    Bottom line, turn off the TV and give the children some attention!

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