
What are some good games to play with preschoolers?

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What are some good games to play with preschoolers?




  1. You can basically make up any game yourself, e.g. games like "Go to" (...the door) or "Point to"  (...the window) "Show me" (...something yellow), you can play at the table with marshmallows saying "Put one marshmallow in the bowl"...Simple instruction, involving colors, numbers, following direction, sequencing - putting in the right order are EXTREMELLY helpful when kids enter K grade. Matching games with pictures or numbers/colors. Nursery Rhymes, Chants, Songs...etc.

  2. Games involving movement are loved by all young children. Try warm up style games like calling different words where they have to do certain actions. Here are a few examples:

    1. the beans game - shout different beans and they have to do an action corresponding to that ("runner beans!" they have to run around, "string beans!" they have to make themselves into a thin shape, "baked beans!" they pretend to be hot, "French beans!" they say "oo la la!" and so on.

    2. The traffic lights game. Green - they have to run, orange - they have to walk, red they stop.

    3. duck, duck, goose

    4. give them a number while they sit down. When you call their number, they must jump up and then sit back down again. You can call more than one number at once. This will also help them learn numbers.

    I hope this helped!

  3. Hide-n-Seek, tag, ball games, they love to draw and color.  Boys like cars, girls like dolls.

  4. Ring around the rosy

    Red Rover

  5. C.D singing songs are really fun

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