
What are some good health facts on skiing and snowboarding?

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  1. Both are very good ways of getting injured.

    Even if it's snowy & cloudy, you can apparently still get sunburn

  2. Don't quite know what you are looking for.

    Common health risks for both sports are:



    Sun Exposure (much more UV at higher altitudes as well as reflective sun exposure due to the snow.)

    Chapped Lips/Dry Skin

    Eye Damage (both due to foreign objects and sunlight)

    Altitude Sickness (at higher altlitudes...obviously)

    HAPE (High Altitude Pulmonary Edema)...bad ju-ju.

    HACE (High Altitude Cerebral Edema)...very bad ju-ju.


    Sprains, torn ligaments, fractures, neck & back injuries, etc.

    Other injuries from contact with trees, rocks, snowmaking equipment, trail signs, other skiers/riders, and general falls.

    Skiers are more prone to ACL/MCL injuries. Since 1995 broken legs have decreased and knee injuries have gone up. This is due in part to the higher ski boots. Broken ankles are almost unheard of.

    Snowboarders still run the risk of breaking a leg, however many snowboarder injuries are also torn/pulled ligaments rather than broken legs.

    Both still have no problems breaking wrists, arms, ribs, or getting concussions...although the increase in helmet use has lowered the amount of concussions.

    Both sports will increase strength in the legs and core areas. Depending on how agressive one skis/rides will also affect one's cardio-pulmonary health as well. Frequent skiers and riders also lower their chances of catching colds/flu due to the fact they are outside and not breathing stale, recycled air on a frequent basis.

    Finally, both skiers and riders are less prone to seasonal depression and generally have higher levels of endorphines and adrenaline, thus increasing general wellness as well as mental health!

    Oh yeah....skiers are more likely to suffer from alcoholism and hangovers. Snowboarders are prone to test positive for weed and pack on more pounds due to the cronic munchies.

    OK...just kidding about the last part...Skiers are just as prone to smoke up and Riders are just a s prone to slam Red Bull and Vodka until the bar closes...who am I kidding?

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