
What are some good high school clubs for students interested in medicine?

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I am looking to start a club for future medical proffesionals at my high school, but I was wondering if there were any nationally well known medical clubs for high school students that I could simply charter. For example, for students who want to go into business there is Future Business Proffesionals of America. I simply want something equivalent to that for students interested in medicine.




  1. I'm not really sure. I am looking for one, too. Maybe someone will know of one.

    EDIT: There's one called Future Doctors of America, but it may be college only. Look into it.

  2. What is H.O.P.E.?

    H.O.P.E. is the Health Occupation Preparatory Education Academy at THIS SCHOOL.  It is a partnership between a hospital and a college and this school. The H.O.P.E. Medical Academy presents core courses (Math, Science, Social Studies, and English) with a medical focus.  Teachers from each of those subject areas work together all year to plan integrated units around medical themes.  As a result, students are prepared to pursue a career in health care occupations and start their post-secondary education while still in high school.

    What are the Special Benefits of this Program?

    Student participants are exposed to a variety of careers in health care and complete career research projects.  Opportunities, such as volunteerism are provided to students that allow them to observe and experience health care occupations first-hand.  The students’ academic preparation helps them become familiar with health care vocabulary, root word parts, “hands-on” lab activities and basic medical skills.  

    it might sound stupid at the beginnign of the first paragraph. i did not want to put my school out there because theres creepy ppl!  lol but yea im in this.

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