
What are some good ideas for Pirates of the Carribean Fanfictions?

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Okay I am writing some fanfiction on i decided to write one for pirates its going to be rated M because well i dont' need to explain that but i want to make a few where the ppl like barbossa and davy jones or becket go for elizabeth but i need some good situtations that would cause this to happen like being trapped together or being stole or kidnapped i would appreciate the help thank you




  1. How about this sequence ...

    - Jack gets captured by some bad guys (Beckett or one of his cronies, maybe)

    - Elizabeth goes looking for Jack, to break him out

    - Elizabeth also gets captured, and tossed into the cell with Jack

    - Love scene ensues.  You take it from there!  ;-)

    Another possibility, if you want to write something a little darker ... have Elizabeth fall into Davy Jones's clutches (perhaps in a situation similar to the above), and Davy alternately feels her up with his tentacles and his lobster claw while Jack is forced to watch.  And in spite of herself, Elizabeth finds herself, ummmm, enjoying the attention, if you get my drift.  That's kind of a twisted scenario, but it definitely has the potential to be rated "M."

    Hope that helps!

  2. It would be good if Elizabeth and Babosa got trapped together but i think it would be really cool if Jack and Elizabeth could gt trapped together because i think that would be a interesting idea especially as Johnny Depp is hot and she might end up with him instead or something like that.

  3. jack/elizabeth/will

    love triangle...

    i dunno like encourage that or something?

  4. I would go for the Asian Pirate Lord and Elizabeth, since in the third movie he tries to get close and personal with her. I would allow her to be carried away by the passion of is adoration, since he thinks she is Calipso.

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