
What are some good ideas for a "winter food" for preschoolers that would be easy to make...?

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i need some ideas before December 12th that would not take long to make and the "kids" can decorate or make themselves...




  1. cookies, cake, cupcakes,-decorate ( something very colorful) .... they can make things like santa clause using cottonballs and glitter and crayons. You can use food for eyes and candy for a nose.

  2. Hot cocoa with marshmallows.

  3. The site has so many winter/holiday recipes I don't know which to copy for you! Here are ideas that children can help with or decorate! There are about 90 recipes for this time of year---in three different threads!


    1 slice bread

    peanut butter or tinted cream cheese (if peanut allergies)

    4 mini pretzels

    4 raisins

    2 mini marshmallows,

    maraschino cherries or red-hot cinnamon candies

    plates and knife

    Cut bread in half from corner to corner, making two equal triangles.

    Spread peanut butter over bread.

    Decorate as follows:

    Place it in front of you, with the point facing you and the long side of triangle facing away from you.

    Place one mini pretzel on each upper corner for the antlers; two raisins in the center of each slice (the eyes) and one mini marshmallow for the nose...if you are making

    Rudolf, use a maraschino cherry or cinnamon candy -- on the tip of each short point nearest you for the nose).

    You now have two reindeer faces ...


    Ingredients: Canned peach halves, paper towels, small paper plates, cool-whip type topping, coconut-optional, small graham cracker figures such as teddy bears or elves.

    Pat dry the peach half-and put on paper place. Cover the peach with the topping to resemble an igloo. Sprinkle on the coconut. Use the topping to :glue" the figure to the igloo.


    To serve about 10 children - Blend together one cup cold milk with two or three bananas in a blender. Ask the children to count aloud as you add ten snowballs (scoops of vanilla frozen yogurt) to the blender. Then invite the children to turn the blender on and off again to create the blizzard. Serve in 5 ounce cups


    ....this gives 1 Snowman Snack

    3 vanilla wafers, 1 tablespoon vanilla icing, Raisins/sprinkles/candy corn/other garnish

    Place vanilla wafers on plate so they are in a vertical line.

    Coat each wafer with vanilla icing.

    Decorate snowman however you like. Some ideas: round sprinkles for eyes and mouth, raisins for buttons, candy corn for nose


    6 cups of crispy rice cereal

    stick of margarine

    10 ounce bag of marshmallows

    powdered sugar

    Melt margarine in a saucepan and stir in the marshmallows until smooth. Stir in the Crispy Rice cereal. After the mixture has cooled slightly, rub your hands with margarine or butter. Using your hands, form balls with the mixture. Shake the balls in a zip-lock bag to coat with the confectioner's sugar. Makes approximately 24 two-inch "snowballs". Origination unknown


    Need: Butter cookies with hole in the middle, white frosting, green food coloring, cinnamon candies

    Directions: Mix food coloring with frosting spread on cookie then place cinnamon candies on cookies


    Need: Nutter Butter Cookies, Peanut Butter, Raisins, Small Pretzel Twists, Red M & M Candies

    Directions: Place a small amount of peanut butter on the top of a Nutter Butter cookie. Then put a small pretzel twist on the peanut butter, letting it stick beyond the cookie for antlers. Put two more dots of peanut butter and add raisins for eyes. Finally put a dot of peanut butter on the bottom part of the cookie and add a red M & M for a nose.


    Ask each child to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or a can of fruit. Have them chop the fruit with a plastic knife. Mix all together in a big bowl and serve. May top with miniature marshmallows or even add some dry vanilla pudding and shredded coconut to the fruit to make it special.

    The extra cans of fruit left over can be donated

    to the local food pantry.

    There are also 19 smoothie and 13 hot cocoa recipes on the site!

  4. Graham Cracker Gingerbread houses. These are fun and easy to make.

    Rice Krispy treats

    A big pot of soup- veggie soup and have the kids all bring in a veggie that they love to add to the pot. This can be done in a crockpot and can be done even the night before.

    Peanut butter balls

    chocolate dipped fruits and pretzels, crackers, etc.

    Popcorn balls

    Caramel dipped apples

  5. Make vegetable soup for lunch.  You can use bouillon or beef broth for the base and invite the children to each bring in a vegetable.  Make a list and let each child bring in one thing to contribute.  Your list could include a carrot, a potato, a tomato, frozen corn, a sweet potato, and onion, etc.  Let the children volunteer to bring in one, and mark down who's bringing what so you don't end up with all carrots!  We do this every year and the kids love it!  We usually use a story like Stone Soup or Growing Vegetable Soup with it.

  6. ants on a log celery with peanut butter on it topped with raisins

  7. Marshmallow snowmen, with the marshmallows "glued" together with white frosting, and pretzel sticks for arms.  Messy, but yummy!

  8. Sugar cookies

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