
What are some good ideas for a wedding gift from a groom to his bride on the day of?

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What are some good ideas for a wedding gift from a groom to his bride on the day of?




  1. um, i think the wedding band should be gift enough!!!!

  2. i don't think you need to get your wife a gift, but if you insist-i'd go w/a nice watch, or purse (designer BTW).  what does she like?  you should know your fiance best.  good luck!

  3. I'm from Singapore. I think there is no need for the groom to give the bride any gifts. I paid for all my wedding expenses. I think I spent close to S$8,000.

  4. A wonderful romantic honey moon.  One that she will never forget!  

  5. I personally think the marriage itself is a wonderful gift to each other.

    Something I know she would love as I believe any girl would, would be a hand written letter to her about all your feelings you have experienced with her and basically just share with her how you feel about her.

    For something materialistic- jewelry is always well taken but I personally think the best and most meaningful gifts are ones that come from the heart and soul. She would treasure anything you give to her.

    Good Luck and congrats on your upcoming wedding! :)

  6. A pair of earrings, bracelet, necklace. Any one of those will be something she will cherish for the rest of her life.  A piece of jewelry is a great gift because your wife will be able to pass it down to your first born on their wedding day.  

  7. If you haven't done this already, you could surprise her with a personal inscription on the inside of her wedding band.  That way, you can share it with her when the moment is right simply by telling her to look at her ring.

  8. On our wedding day my husband just gave me a card - but he wrote a very long note in there - I still have it 9 years later. He just wrote about why he loved me, about some funny moments we had, about our future. It was so nice and really touching. Or those always diamond earrings, which I'm sure she would love :) Congrats!

  9. A new house would be great. But if it doesn't fit your budget you can just get her simple and thoughtful gifts that would last a lifetime and build memories on your wedding day. Just make her feel that your wedding day is the happiest day of your life! Enjoy your first day and night as newly weds. You can check for a groomsman gift here


  10. How about a nice locket personalized with a special message?  Or maybe some clothing or undies embroidered with a special message.  If the couple will have a Christmas tree - I think a brides ornament collection is REALLY nice.  The ornaments have special meaning, and it will be special to open them up and remember the wedding day every Christmastime.

    Check out this site for some neat ideas.

  11. Uh, yourself?  Uh, the honeymoon?  Why is there so much focus on wedding gifts?

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