
What are some good ideas for calendar photos?

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It's my girlfriend's birthday in a few weeks and I decided that I'm going to put together a calendar for her. Each month will be a different shot of me.

I'm trying to come up with ideas for each month.

Any ideas? It can be no more than PG-13.

So far, I got a s**y gardener, a s**y plumber where the caption reads "I think your pipes need plumbing" :) , a UPS man, and for her birthday month I'll be a chippendales guy wearing a**-less chaps. I might put an actual piece of leather over the a$$ so that when she lifts it, it either says Just Kidding, You Wish, or a picture of a donkey.

So I need some more ideas.




  1. If you have a picture of yourself as a little child holding flowers or a gift  you could use it and caption "I've been waiting for you my whole life"  

    Or a picture of you blowing a kiss, etc.  you get the idea.  Trust me she will LOVE pictures of you as a child mixed in with the others.  this sounds like a really cute idea!!!

  2. Well kids get a school picture every year and there are 12 grades

  3. I know this doesn't really fit your description but try putting one of your favorite memories of you two on it. Like a picture of your first date or something. It is just an idea though.

  4. maybe u should sort of do a funny kinky police officer lol!!! joax but it might give her a laugh

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